Tuesday, August 29, 2006
A Repressed Flip Off Moment?
Oh woes me.... I've two broken soldiers. Both wounded nails mysteriously enough seem to be placed in the direct middle section of each hand.
Do you suppose this is a repressed *blonde need* to flip something or someone off?
Ok, truth is, I never do that in anger. (except for that one time while driving... lol)
I only believe in phuckkkkk you'ssss and flipping off in fun, never anger.
*mischievous smile*
Fortunately for me I won't have to walk around all maimed and deformed much longer. The Nail Nazi is Wednesday. :)
Monday, August 28, 2006
Boxes For the Boys....
A quick shipment, Iraq bound, for our boys and girls in the RedWhite&Blue. I'd sent this shipment off during my whirling dervish days prior to the *blogger and comcrapstick* issue before I left for Mexico. Oh yeah, did I mention? When I was out of town, I was in Mexico. (more on that later...)
And, no... I don't drink the Margaretta's. I'm afraid of the worms. *grins*
Back to the Iraq shipment issue. I haven't heard from my favorite soldier, Chris, for several weeks now. His father, who is a good friend as well as a client, hasn't heard from him either. The last we knew his duty was transferred to the infamous prison we've all read or heard about in the news last year. I seriously doubt Chris will be spanking any prisoners, but I wish they'd give him a new mailing address so I can send him his care packages. *sighs*
While you're going about your Monday... take a quiet moment, please, to pause, reflect...
and say a quick prayer for our men and women fighting in Iraq....
That they come home to us...
Safe and Sound.
Sunday, August 27, 2006
blogger issues
So, I opened up a typepad account, but I'm not all thrilled there either. I don't exactly have the next 10 hours free to read all their *easy* (rolls eyes) directions. Can't people just write things in blonde???
So, I'll either be there or here until I figure out what the heck I'm doing. *frustrated sigh* I'm just busy enough without all the blogger issues. I mean, really? If you're going to do a product, do it right... and while you're at it... make it blonde friendly!
*stomps foot and leaves*
Saturday, August 26, 2006
Oh Fun!
Isn't that lovely.
They'll leave the lights on....
I've been out of town for the past week taking care of some not so fun stuff. Some times when I travel I'll stay at a Motel 6 only because the Ark Family can stay there.
I think I've figured out why Motel 6 leaves the lights on.
It's because their bedspreads are SO scary you're afraid to sleep at night.
*straight faced blonde look*
I can readdddddd....
I've recently read Lifeguard by James Patterson and Andrew Gross. It took me out of my funk and gave me the brain dead, lose the world reading I was needing. The beginning of the book was pretty good and kept my attention, the end, however, was sort of predictable. Like one too many late night movies. All in all, it was a good book. But hey! I'm no critic. I can't imagine writing a book being easy. If I were writing one I'd probably be tired by the time I got to the end and searching for anything to bring closure and take me out of my misery.
The book I'm really digging at the moment, even more than Lifeguard, is Deception Point by Dan Brown. I have to say, at this point, I think I like anything Dan Brown. I LOVED The Da Vinci Code (and am so siccccckkkkk of people that forget ~~~~>>> IT'S A MOVIE/BOOK!!!), Angels & Demons was good too. A little bloody, but still good. Damn intense! And now, Deception Point is keeping my attention.
Yay! for good books!!! Maybe I should join the Oprah Book Club or something. Or not. lol
Saturday, August 19, 2006
Thursday, August 17, 2006
Wednesday, August 16, 2006
Opps... I forgot to ask you... Suggestions, please...
It was a nice visit and he immediately knew who I was... but he also wanted to know if I was on my way home yet.
"It'd be good if you could stay longer, Toots. That'd be good."
*quiet look*
No one told him I was coming home this summer for a quick visit. There's only been talk of my coming back in November to put up my Mom's Christmas Tree Lane arrangement of lights.
I have to be able to make this trip whether I want to go or not. My dad doesn't ask questions like that. He's so ... frail. His voice is this quiet, raspy whisper when he talks to me. His 82 years are showing the wear and tear of his life. It's breaking my heart. All those years of the distance I had to put between myself and their anger and dysfunctions don't seem to matter so much when you're preparing to say good-bye.
This is hard.
He has a picture of the two of us sitting next to his night stand. Me home for a visit and a Christmas break from school. He'd picked me up and twirled me, laughing that I hadn't grown a bit and was still as tiny as in High School. We both have these huge smiles on our faces, identical blue eyes, from the Irish side of the family tree, twinkling with charisma and laughter as my Dad joked about how he could still bounce me over his shoulder the same as when I was a little girl.
I took the snap shot, had it blown up and framed. Underneath the picture I had an artist write "I'll Always Be A Daddy's Girl."
So, now that I've rambled on and told you more than you need to know... the help I'm asking for? The suggestions?
I need cd ideas to buy for my road trip. Any suggestions but country. Paul? Some good classical or show tunes that you might be able to guide me to would be great. And any suggestions from anyone else would totally be appreciated.
The music side of my life is yet another story I'll tell you on another day. I'm getting there.
Progress is a good thing. *smiles*
It was a real Monday, Thank God it's Tuesday...
I tossed and turned the night before, then over slept and missed my 8:15 appointment (on purpose... this girl has GOT to get her sleep, even if it means starting my day late). So, I started out Monday late, behind schedule, groggy, with a blonde fuzz brain (low brain cell activity, slightly different than groggy), and a kink in my neck that blocked any hopes of being a high achiever for the day. (seriously - a way kink in my neck, meaning, IT HURT!)
I missed the call from the banker. Really, who calls that early anyway? I don't owe them money, I'm trying to put money in there. lol
I didn't take the first call from the guy buying the Celica (car #1 of two cars I'm selling), because, well... he's just annoying the hell out of me. Ok, I often let him go to voice mail. He's related to PITA I'm pretty sure and a story I'll tell you later. He's been pushing as a canidate for Blondevilles famous *Dick of the Day* Award. *smiles*
The chiropractor wasn't busy and took a quick look at my neck (I think I slept on it wrong - or funny - or something), saw immediately what was wrong, and proceeded to almost bring swear words involuntarily from my innocent little mouth, again. *rolls eyes n grins*
Next stop, the physical therapist. However, I screwed up the time. Nope, wasn't late. I was 2 hours early. *laughs at self* It all worked out cool since Paul,(PT #2) wasn't busy. His wife and I got a good laugh though. He thought I'd just stopped by to visit with his wife. LOL Well, on his wife's behalf, I do have to say, I absolutely adore her. She's my kind of girl friend. Positive, happy, fun and has no major issues. When I leave this physical therapist I wanna keep his wife for a girlfriend. (and no, not the muffin eating kind of girlfriend - ekkkkkkk!! Just say no to muffins! *double grins* Although I do have gay friends, I'm just not THAT happy! *grins* No muffins for me, but thanks anyway.)
Next my work has issues. Two of my sites appear to have brain tumors of some type. They're not functioning normal. I decide to look at it as a, "It's ok, you needed to rest today," type of day and chill.
I was unsuccessful in getting a hold of: The banker, the dog trainer, Emanuella, who's leaving for France soon, and wasn't able to talk to my friend about the car. (the cat had my tongue = I'm a big fat chicken ass)
I forgot to call the new homeopath and dentist and spaced out making another eye appointment. *sighs*
The 8:15 I missed that morning, to get the girly-girl SUV car alarm checked out, was able to work me in after my PT appointment, which seemed cool at first... Until I had to stand outside in crappy air waiting for their taxi to take me home for 30 minutes. That didn't exactly make me want to sing show tunes. I tried to convince myself that it really wasn't that bad, after all I had missed the 8:15. I tried to buy this conversation in my head - but the pissy side almost won. I managed to, not chew anyone up or spit anyone out, but I wasn't exactly my normal smiley self. I mean, why say you can give me a ride home when no ride is available at that time???
Oh well, I lived through it and didn't get the *Biotch of the Day* Award. *grins*
The last kicker for my day, was the new banks web site didn't work and I couldn't get my application finished. grrrrrr... like hellooooo????? Really, it should NOT be so hard to give you my money!!!
I'll tell you about Tuesday on Wednesday.
Oh wait - nothing too out of the ordinary happened today. I finally connected with the new bank and things are underway, I managed to put the new fax together, all by myself (the brain surgeon wasn't available), and ummmm... what else??? Hmmm... Oh yeah. I had a kick ass day at work, dealt with some great clients and made a bunch of money. *blue eyed smile* My kind of day!
But... I'm still behind in all I need to accomplish. *sighs* (then remembers self made agreement to pace myself)
Okey dokey... nighters all from Blondeville. I have an early day tomorrow. I have to meet Mr. PITA, the Celica buyer, at DMV in the morning. *groannnsss* I can hardly wait to get my money and be away, away, far away from this guy! He has future stalker written ALL over him! Ekkkkkkk!!! Just say no! to serial phone calls and stalking!!
Tuesday, August 15, 2006
Attention all words....
Attention All Words...
Please report to the Frontal Lobe immediately.
Vocabulary Alert!
We appear to have had an above average shut down due to high air toxicity and brain cloud damage.
All activity resembling the English language and active vocabulary above the 8th grade level are immediately requested to report to the Temporal Lobe area.
We have a article to write and would appreciate any and all cooperation.
Thank You!
Monday, August 14, 2006
A true blonde dilemma...
The cause of the breakup and the final straw for her was over a car. Years ago when they were living together (and he was in irrational, twisted, crazy land emotionally) he basically ran her car into the ground, driving it all the time for work, then, when her car needed repairs, he parked it, got a company car and never repaired her car. Not long after that they broke up - for several years.
Fast forward several years later, they are back together, working through many old issues and making pretty good progress other than an occasional brain dent and twisted truth from him. He's been telling her for the past several months that when he gets a new car he's going to give her his old car. Ok cool.
Her car blew a head gasket and the air conditioner either doesn't work or is not reliable. Since they live in separate cities, she often drives (in the heat) to where he lives, to spend time with him (always at his request - and he has wanted her there more often). While her car has been being worked on (apparently by one of her neighbors - not sure what's up with that - why she didn't take it to a regular shop) she has been borrowing a friends car for in city driving.
So, the boyfriend finally went and bought a new car. Exciting! Yay!
But not so Yay!!
He avoids her for two days, then finally calls and tells her he doesn't feel good about giving her his old car (like he said he would), but she can use it. Welllll.... that didn't go over to well with her. She said he's broken his word one time too many, so after spending the last (I think) 5 years back together, she broke up with him. She just feels he has too many control issues to deal with all of his *instructions and rules* on how to drive *his* car. It'd drive her crazy and it would be impossible to enjoy it.
Now, my dilemma.
I have a car for sale. Originally I told her I was selling it for $6000, but that if her boyfriend decided to help get her a car, I'd sell it to her for $5000. That was before the breakup and her boyfriend being a dimwit, shithead.
She wasn't sure about my car before, but now she's more interested. Truly, I want to help her. I know what it's like to be stuck and need help. In trying to console her I told her I wished I could give her the car or she could just pay it off, but nothing concrete was agreed upon. Now she's wanting to know how much is left to buy off my car and talking about wanting me to carry her, she'd make payments and also wants me to carry her on my insurance. *sighs*
First, after going over my finances and what I need, I really don't want to sell it at the pay off price. The least amount I want to go is $5000. I have it up for sale at $5750. It blue books for $6030. I'm willing to carry her and let her pay it off at my asking price, but I'm not willing to put her on my insurance. To me, that's just too risky. She thinks she can't get insurance on my car, but I'm pretty sure she can.
I totally love this friend, but.... I'm so not comfortable with all of this. I totally want to help... but I've just taken a big loss from being screwed over by a so-called-friend last summer. I need to get as much as I can from this car to help make up for that loss and to put toward my new vehicle.
My friend, naturally, isn't in the best of moods and she's hurting as one might expect. I'm just - concerned... afraid to tell her where I stand with the car. I know she needs a car and I'm totally confident in the condition of my car. (excellent condition). I want to help, but I don't want to put *me* at risk. OR worse. End up getting screwed over again.
This is hard shit. I wish I was in a position that I could just give her the car. But, I'm not. I know people sometimes mean well, but - good intentions don't always happen. I just don't know what to do.... and I don't want to put myself in a position to be screwed over... again. She is aware of what happened to me once and I don't think she'd ever intentionally hurt me, but... life happens... and I'm worried. I'd really like to get through the rest of the year without getting the *Dumb Blonde of the Year Award*.
My damn big heart.
*double sighs*
Sunday, August 13, 2006
I like these...
I came across these pictures a while back
and I just love the colors in them.
I either need to pretend to be a fake copy artist,
dig out the oil paints and start playing or
order them.
My mind needs to get lost in playing with art.
Or something.
I'm totally missing having my
hands lost in clay. Studying a piece and figuring out
the color combination it should be. I think that side of
my brain is finally starting to wake back up after
it's long winters sleep.
Truthfully, I'm not even sure where I'd put them.
I just like them.
I like the peaceful yet warm colors...
and that they're fun... Whimsical, different, fun.
(but then, what do I know with my lack of exposure, hidden away
in my little cave these past several years?)
But, *sighs* with signs of the season all ready beginning
to change and prepare for fall,
I'll probably be going through a color shift.
I hope I'm not going to be too fickle.
My blue and green attraction can't last forever, can it? lol
Check this out...
Thursday, August 10, 2006
I Wonder.....
Why, when I have a good book to read, I need to take more naps. *blonde look* (*laughs* hey... I cannnn read.. *winks*)
If the "Lets do lunch" type of people in the world really even eat lunch.
Why Churches talk about God, but so few really talk to HIM.
When I finish learning Spanish if it will improve my French. (I currently don't speak French)
Why, when some people don't get their way, they feel the need to be mean or say nasty things about someone they once acted like they were friends with.
Does their brain slide back to Jr. High... or were they always that way???
Why dogs feel the need to eat cat poop. ewwwwww
Why there isn't a Lost & Found Department to reclaim lost trust. There should be, the world and many people would be in a better place. People should try it.
Why, after my great Rah!Rah! cheerleading *BRING IT ON* mental speech to get back on my medical diet I haven't been able to look a piece of broccoli in the eye. *laughs at self... I so need to get back on my diet. I am currently a vegetable flunky*
Why some people feel that they're the only ones that can be right - even when they're wrong. Is it that they never learned to share their toys as a kid?
If snobs know that the snobbier they are, the greater it shows the depth of their insecurity - and, if they knew, would they then *pretend* to be nice?
Why they would put Avenue F next to EXIT F on a freeway off ramp. Don't they KNOW there are blondes on the road???
Why some people don't get that there is no power in control... that power is actually within the person?
Why it is when I have to take some medicines 3 times a day I religiously forget the 3rd dose? *frowns at self*
Why an appreciative *Thank You* isn't enough for some people and they're not happy until you've sent in a parade with balloons and a banner? Or why some people give, but treat you like you owe them something afterwards? Is it a mental disease, do you think? Or just hard for them to give up the gift??
Why some people will act like they're doing you a favor when their act of kindness is only a thinly veiled act of manipulation to gain something they want for themselves.
Why some men don't know that there is nothing sexier than a guy who knows how to show emotion, say he's sorry (and mean it) or admit that he's been wrong.... and that he's NOT the weaker sex for doing so, but ten times stronger!
If invisible font is the same as invisible ink... or if there were just no words before then?
Why some men think that just because they have dicks that they're desirable - and other men don't get that, despite how their dick seems to get in their way, they're very desirable.
And the Dick of the Day Award goes to:
The guy who's name rhymes with *ick*.
To answer your questions:
1) I'm wearing clothes, if you're watching I'm wearing a bulky turtle neck and baggy wool slacks,
2) Not in a million years, this life time or the next,
3) Any part of your anatomy is *not* my problem!
Have a great weekend all (even you *ick*) *big smiles*
A cordless bath...
Ya know, it's almost noon... I've been up since 7 a.m. (*gasp, shock*) and other than drop Galen off to have his Eunuch procedure done, feed and walk the other Ark Kids (yes, Kitty walks with us some times), feed and walk myself, shower and check work mail... the only other thing I've managed to do is drop the cordless phone in the puppy's water bowl. *sighs and laughs at self*
I have a zillion things to get done. Giving the cordless phone a bath in the dog bowl wasn't one of them!
P.S. yes, I'm aware the puppy's bowl needs a little more than a bath. He's a boy... he's messy like that. It's daily trip to the dishwasher is coming this afternoon.
Wednesday, August 09, 2006
Nap Company...
Today was one of those lazy, *I feel drained*, kind of days. Even though it's only Wednesday, it felt like it should be the end of the week. Probably a combination of going through the human pin cushion syndrome (medical tests) and two restless nights, back to back of a little more pain than anyone could ever need.
But hey, I remembered to see the chiropractor before Wednesday (when he's closed) and we both laughed when he was done. Only because we were both relieved that when I shouted out in pain after he adjusted my neck (which has only happened twice before) I managed to not say the *F* word.
*embarrassed look n grins*
That actually happened once after an adjustment... and I swear... I didn't say it on purpose. It slipped! I about died! AND, there were people in the waiting room that heard my famous phuckkkk bleep on that day!
When I woke up from my, "don't fight it, just go rest" nap, I found the youngest member of the Ark Family, Galen, had managed to figure out how to get on the bed and made himself quite at home. He's 4 months and 48 lbs now.
Since today is his last day as a studly dude I decided he could just sleep on my bed tonight. (notice the, "please don't make me leave here," look? lol) Tomorrow, bright and early, we're taking a little drive to the vet's office and he's having his eunuch procedure done.
I hope it doesn't hurt my little man.
Molly making decisions...
Molly, trying to decide if the new vehicle passes her inspection.
She goes with me everywhere... and I do mean everywhere. Loves to travel, hates to be left at home or with the dog sitter. All in all she seemed to decide the Rav was ok.
We might need to get a ramp so the entrance and exit are a little easier for her (and me). For now we sort of have a system where she reaches up with her front legs (with my help) and I lift her hindside up and in. (which is why it's a good thing I workout.. lol)
She's 11 but I keep thinking she's older - she's been with me forever it seems. We've been through more than you can imagine together. Although she gets around very well, she has arthritis bad enough that she hasn't been able to jump in and out of things for several years.
It's a printer miracle!!
Actually, I pretended I knew what I was doing, had a brain flash, decided to do a bit more trouble shooting before I threw it away, away, good-bye, away. (it was sitting by the front door, ready to be carried out and tossed in the community dumpster)
My spark of an idea has so far deemed to be successful... (crosses fingers) I think, I think, I think... I might have it working. (Ouch.. it's late, it's been a headache from hell day... all that thinking can hurt a girl, ya know what I mean??)
Yay me! This means I can take the new printer back (there's a 14 day return policy) and watch for really cool printers to go on sale. I love the idea of saving money. *tired grins*
I like THAT idea sooo much better!
Tuesday, August 08, 2006
A jumbled message dream...
Well, lets just say that in *the worse kind* I can't tell if it's real or not. It takes a while for me to be able to tell if I was asleep or awake. They're so real it's like it actually happened in that moment. And... it has usually happened or is about to. Everything in *those* kinds of dreams is poignantly clear, down to the tiniest detail... and in color. *sighs*
All in all, I try not to dream because I'm not a big fan of *those* kind of dreams. I always jerk awake, startled, sitting fully upright, feeling like my body just slammed back into my chest and, while trying to recover my breathing, I'm left to figure out if it was a dream or did it really happen. I'm always soooo relieved to find out I'm in bed, snuggled up in my covers when I'm finally awake enough to figure out it was just *one of those* dreams.
Fortunately for me, *those* kind of dreams don't happen often. But they leave enough of an impact on me to dread the next one ... even if they are years apart.
Last night's dream, blessedly wasn't one of *those* dreams and was light weight and what I'd call a jumbled type dream. A dream with some reality and a clear message. An annoying jumbled type dream. lol (I laugh especially because of a conversation with my dr. a couple of weeks ago - about the new treatment I'm doing and it causing irritation and annoyment (blonde word) - I was so relieved to know THAT was what was bringing out some *not so normal* feelings in me)
Anywayyyy..... In the dream I was on a date with a Keifer Sutherland like dude. (which would be a dude that's totally not my type) I was trying to be his friend and enjoy a comfortable, fun time together and the Keifer Sutherland dude kept trying to make *us* a couple that we weren't. *sighs* I was trying to be nice about it, sensitive to his feelings, but... shall we say I absolutely could not wait for the date to end... before I slugged the guy!
Don't you just HATE it when you're trying to be a friend and some guy can't keep his hands off you or keeps trying to make it something it's not?! *exasperated sigh* Good lord, I hope I don't dream tonight... I couldn't take another night of Keifer Sutherland! LOL (yes, he's cute and a pretty decent actor - and that rugged look can be quite appealing - but he's STILL not my type! *grins*)
Dreams like that are - enough to make me avoid the thought of even one more date. ugh! I hate being manhandled. Especially by someone I'm not even remotely attracted to! So few men know where the boobs stop and the brain begins.. lol
Monday, August 07, 2006
Ugh... I need a new book to read...
I obviously didn't order enough - brain dead - *don't think just read* books during my last B&N order. I just finished with Laurell K Hamilton's, "Death of a Darklord" which was pretty good and served it's purpose for - brain dead - mode. However the book, which was easy reading, didn't really last as long as my need for brain dead reading did.
*double pity pot sighs, then grins*
During the next couple of days I'll be on overload of that dammmmm manual reading, though. My printer had the audacity to die on me during one of those *brown outs* my buddy, Duane, had just been telling me about last week. It got the nervous twitches, tried to imitate an epileptic fit, and all but fell off the printer stand. After several cerebral attempts to try and revive it, I had to finally say good-bye. Last Rites at Eleven. Then it's off to the local dumpster.
Sooo... I've a new printer and fax to boggle my little blonde brain. Actually, it shouldn't be that bad. It looks relatively simple and blonde friendly. lol
Sunday, August 06, 2006
Galen and Kitty...
Galen and Kitty (aka Monster Kitty) playing under the bed in the guest room/office/art room. (aka: not enough room in one room!) Galen has been systematically eating the under side of the bed. *frowns* Well, almost eating it. He's been pulling and tearing at the cheese cloth. It's his only great fauxpas as a puppy. I'd be more upset but, in truth it's a box springs and mattress I plan to replace when the time comes to do so. It's wayyyy old, I bought the bed because of the frame and headboard. Antique and totally cool.
I'm a little worried about Kitty tonight. His meow is.. .hoarse sounding. I'm not sure he's really feeling totally well. Not being a cat person, I'm not sure if it's anything to be worried about, but I'm going to have him looked at this week when I take him in for his feline rabies booster. All the Ark kids are going in this week for their rabies shots (I give the rest to them).
Galen is getting a little more of a surprise than his first rabies shot, though. It's snip, snip time for him. (thank gosh) I think his testosterone has hit him full force this past week... he's gone from being my sweet little angle to the puppy from hell. Demanding, pushy, and totally exercising his voice. (can we say, "GALEN SHUSH?!") He's learned that if he asks me to go outside I stop work. Being no dummy, he's applied that trick to getting me to take him outside ... to play! lol All in all, he's still a happy big, little boy and totally fun. Today, however he has worn me out.
It's been a long day that been endlessly busy and I haven't gotten one thing done that I needed to. I'm not sure if that's because I'm blonde or just having a focus deficiency. At one point I was wondering if I was borderline ADD. Then I realized eating might help. *rolls eyes and grins* I haven't totally started back on my medical diet yet. I'm kind of trying to sneak up on it and surprise myself that I'm doing it, so today, I supplemented my greens with a few Hershey's kisses. Well... everyone needs a Sunday kiss now and then. lol
Ok, I'm off to actually make an attempt to do something that needs to be done... lol
Tanning without the sun is hard work...
Even though I have a couple more tanning sessions left at Sunsational Tans, I'm not in a hurry to use them up. After one shower I looked just a shade darker than hepatitis. I think the Mystic Tans (Sunsational) work best if you all ready have a base tan via the sun. I was able to get a darker color last year, but I was still semi-tan. This year... well, lets just say this year, although I wouldn't keep Casper company, parts of my body could be related to him.
Salon Bronze still ranks the highest in all I've tried. Tonight I'm trying St. Tropez Self Tanning Lotion. It wasn't hard to apply, but was a rather dark color coming out of the bottle. I recommend washing your hands often. We'll see how I look in the morning.
Do you self tan, sun ... or just forego the whole deal?
It recommends that you apply the lotion before bedtime. Blonde me, I don't think to read the label past that part. AFTER I'd applied the lotion, I reread the directions ... and it adds: Do not shower (easy to figure) or perspire for at least 4 hours.
Ok, so like, does that mean having sex tonight is out of the question????
*rolls eyes and laughs some more*
So... now ... I'm worried about ... what if I perspire in my sleep?
Dang life can be complicated! I should get my negative anonymous commenter to come tell me how my priorities are all screwed up.
*grins some more*
Hey... it's a blonde rite of passage.
Act dizzy, be real. *grins n winks*
(sits here and twiddles thumbs while waiting for her paint to dry... )
lol.... I knew this... (that my caffeine intake is lowwww)
You Are a Frappacino |
At your best, you are: fun loving, sweet, and modern At your worst, you are: childish and over indulgent You drink coffee when: you're craving something sweet Your caffeine addiction level: low |
Saturday, August 05, 2006
Happy people say happy things. Unhappy people say negative things.
Negative people ... need more toothpaste.
*blonde grins*
Saturday Ramblings...
Earlier today I had a fun venture through Costco and picked up an official *big boy bed* for Galen. Now maybe he'll stop peeing on Molly's. *groans and rolls eyes* I love my job, though. I'm the only girl I know that can make money while I shop. How does life get any better than that??? *grins*
It occurred to me today while at Costco, I no longer have to do the yearly hotdog fix at an annual Fair and get all dusty. (but I still love the fair - and everyone needs one of those cinnamon rolls) I can indulge whenever I want at Costco! (although I try not to) *laughs because I know the thought of eating hotdogs turns some people green*
Hey... I'm a girl.. and we like hotdogs! The other girls ... well, they just like other girls. *innocent look n grins*
All in all it's been a great day. Works been great, shopping was fun, the Rav is much more comfortable now and ... I have fresh iris and rose arrangements sitting in the kitchen. What can be better than that? I soooo love fresh cut flowers. The only thing even slightly better was the sushi I had for dinner. Life makes me smile today. :)
Now I have to go finish the baking I'd started last night - but that's going to take me a couple days to actually finish up. Project Iraq (I've sent over 40 boxes to our soldiers in Iraq and am getting ready to make another shipment) and the goodies for care packages I send out ... oh! And on another teeth rotting, nauseating note... I also bake for the homeless. *grins* (serious - I have for years.. lol)
Friday's brain cells from blondville
Today's Compliments:
"Wow, you're the same age as my mom, but you're so cool. You don't even look like my mom, you remind me more of my girlfriends. I really want to stay in touch, let me give you my email address," said by 24 yr. old Jillian. (coming from a kid like that, it's more of a TRIPLE Compliment, huh? *smiles*)
Speaking of 24 yr. olds ... my little neighbor tried to set me up with her brother today. The 24 yr. old *I'm so hot* Latin boy I danced with a couple Saturdays ago. Ummmm... I'm thinking, "Just say no! My names not Demi." (although I'd love to have Demi's bod!)
Today's Mishap:
I discovered one wardrobe glitch and had another happen while away from home ie: *in public*. *sighs*
1) Discovery: That a thong does not cover my tattoo and my shorts were - more sheer than I thought. The sheer white tunic I had on over my - more sheer than I thought - white shorts still gave the shadow of a fact that, the tattoo I had placed where no one could see it, was there. (did I mention that I hate thongs???)
2) Happened: When my Victoria Secrets white tube top (worn under sheer white tunic) slipped at a very inopportune time ... the tunic's sheerness was not to my advantage.
On the way home from picking up my girly-girl SUV, after the dealership had done her up in leather and some TLC to the drivers seat so my Princess and the Pea butt would like it better, I discovered that the windshield now sported a two foot section of some very serious water spots in the center of it. The dealership was waiting with baited breath to hear if the seat passed inspection. They didn't expect a windshield call. (neither did I) They did understand that one does not expect to get a vehicle back with water spots after having just paid extra to have the alarm installed and the VIP treatment package (protection for paint and interior). Neither were cheap.
They are going to pay to have my SUV detailed locally so I don't have to make the 2 1/2 hr drive back to the dealership. I also will be the recipient of a free tank of gas and detailing job every time I am in or going through their area from now on. (Wow, Double Wow to the last one... I so didn't expect that one!)
Today's hassle:
Galen was the puppy from hell during this morning's walk. During his sleep last night, he somehow managed to out grow his latest bed. *sighs* We'll be bed shopping this weekend.
I think he's going to be a bit bigger than I'd originally thought. lol
I experienced cell phone hell on the 2 1/2 drive home from the dealership and was having trouble with dropped calls and reception. An over sensitive client with a dish full of insecurities and an ego problem took it all personal (like I was hanging up on HER ... and it was all about HER) and left me scathing feedback. The blessing for me? She said she was never calling back again. Promise?? *tired smiles*
Today's Gratitude:
That the dealership I bought my SUV from is truly going out of their way to make sure I'm happy with my Rav4 and aren't upset with me for voicing my dissatisfaction with the brick seat issue.
That the handyman didn't charge me for the repair of my garbage disposal despite the fact that I told him it was my fault. Apparently garbage disposals don't eat glass.. lol... ok.. stop that ... it was an accident. Really, it was. I accidentally dropped a glass lid (see tingling) and it fell into the kitchen sink. I thought I'd gotten all of the glass out ... but I was blonde. *straight faced look*
That the leather seats and padding are an improvement to the comfort of my new girly-girl SUV.
That, despite it being a difficult work week, work went well and I am ahead of schedule.
Today's Worry:
This week two people have told me they've become addicted to me. One male, one female. One a client, one not a client. *sighs* I don't want to be addictive. I just want to be good.
That I told a lie today. Someone I know, but that doesn't know me well, was giving me a hard time about the Rav4.(like it's some top of the line vehicle) Called me a little rich girl and money bags. It was a flash back to my past, so I lied to them. I told them my boyfriend bought it. It just seemed easier and safier that way. They don't know Victor is ... an electrical appliance. *grins*
Today's Highlight:
The daughter of my heart called and we had a wonderful visit. I'm so very proud of how she's processing things and thinking them through. Her fiance, although not the most ambitious type, is very good for her in this regard. I also had a nice visit with my mom. Amazing when that happens and I'm always so grateful when it does. *smiles*
Todays Thoughts:
My shoulders have stopped tingling ... but now my tongue is hot.
I like big things ... but I'm not from Texas.
If birds of a feather flock together, does that make some people clones?
That there is a big difference between talking to someone and talking at someone...
I wish some I knew understood this without getting their feelings hurt.
I like the road less traveled. Not everyone does.
Ok... that's TMI from blondville. Have a great weekend, all!
Thursday, August 03, 2006
I keep getting these little electrical currents that shoot from my shoulder down the back of my arm. Mostly on my left side, sometimes on the right. *sighs* Now that it's not Wednesday, I can go see the Chiropractor. (*laughs at self over her Wednesday fixation*) The tingling, electrical type currents are a side affect from the car accident (Dec. 16th). Nothing major, I'm assuming, just uncomfortable. At least I'm not having the deep pain like I was in June. Now that was just plain crazy and off the charts. Thank gosh I'm back to making progress and (crosses my fingers) close to giving Paul, my current PT, a big hug and saying Adios!
On a blonde note... Does eating an ice cream cone that's not on your diet count really that bad if you ate broccoli first??? Shouldn't I get someeeee kind of "hey you tried" good behavior points??? *laughs*
In truth, I'm leaning more toward my old diet and convinced if I can stick to it for a while (6 weeks) I won't need to do it any more... it just gets boring. Not just boring... *yawn boring,* *swearword, yawn boring* ... I want to eat REAL food for *bleep, bleep* sakes!!
I'm not some rabbit!!!! I only look good in rabbit ears! *stomps foot, tries to pout but can't muster the self pity*
However, since I totally am committed to the complete recovery of my health, find the lettuce and vegies and BRING IT ON! *sighs*
I WILL do this!! Like an almost adult!!
I'm not a very political person. I can get behind a cause. Even have a passion for it if it's something I believe in. But, all in all, I'm afraid I'm rather flawed when it comes to the political arena of life.... I vote, but I'm sooo not crazy about politics. Does that make me lazy ... or just plain blonde? *sighs* It's just all too frustrating sometimes... (and they use big words! *innocent grins*)
**Tip money earned by waitresses in Las Vegas, manicurists in Hollywood and bartenders in Seattle is on the table in the nation's capital as lawmakers scrap over an election-year minimum wage bill. Nevada, California and Washington are among seven states where workers get to keep their tips on top of getting paid their state's full minimum wage. In other states, tip-earning workers get paid less and make up the difference with tips.
A provision in GOP-written minimum wage legislation passed by the House and under consideration this week by the Senate could change the law in those seven states - the others are Montana, Alaska, Minnesota and Oregon. It would deal a pay cut of $3 or more an hour to thousands of waiters, bellhops and hairdressers in those states, according to Democrats and labor groups.
Everything that has been achieved in seven states to support low-wage workers who earn tips is destroyed by this bill," said Sen. Dianne Feinstein, D-Calif. "This bill would slash the salaries of thousands of workers."
Senate Minority Leader Harry Reid, D-Nev., called the provision a "travesty."
Republicans and the National Restaurant Association, which opposes a minimum wage increase and fought for the tip provision, dispute the Democratic interpretation. They say the legislation is only intended to have an impact when the states in question increase their minimum wage - at which point the increase would come out of a worker's tips, not an employer's payroll.
"No provision results in the lowering of wages for any worker. The purpose of the provision is to allow employers with tipped employees to count their employees' tips as wages for purposes of meeting their minimum wage obligation," Brendan Flanagan, a spokesman for the National Restaurant Association, said in a statement Tuesday after Democrats began raising concerns.
A memo by the nonpartisan Congressional Research Service on Wednesday backed up the Democratic position. Under the bill language, the seven affected states "would seem to be prohibited from enforcing the minimum wage rate provisions of their laws with respect to a tipped employee" said the memo, written by Jon A. Shimabukuro, a legislative attorney at the research service, for Sen. Barbara Boxer, D-Calif.
But in a letter to Senate Majority Leader Bill Frist, R-Tenn., a Labor Department official said the department would interpret the bill's language as protecting current wages for tipped employees in the seven states. Victoria Lipnic, assistant secretary of labor for employment standards, offered in the letter to work with lawmakers to clarify the intent of the legislation - something several Republican senators, including Norm Coleman of Minnesota, said Wednesday they intended to do.
The minimum-wage-increase legislation already was controversial because House Republican leaders passed it as part of a bill cutting inheritance taxes on multimillion-dollar estates, a top GOP priority opposed by most Democrats. The tipped-workers' provision looked likely to heighten Democratic opposition and could factor into decision-making by lawmakers who haven't yet made their position known, including Democratic Sens. Maria Cantwell and Patty Murray of Washington state.
The GOP package, expected to come to a vote Friday, would increase the federal minimum wage from $5.15 to $7.25 per hour, phased in over the next three years. States with higher state minimum wages - in California it's now $6.75 an hour; in Washington $7.63 - would keep their higher levels, at least until the federal level exceeds it.
Except for in the seven states at issue, employers of tipped employees now pay only a portion of the minimum wage - starting at $2.13 an hour - as long as the employees draw enough tips to make up the rest. A tipped employee is defined as one who regularly receives more than $30 per month in tips.
Under the GOP-written legislation, according to Democrats, that same system would go into effect in the seven states where employers now pay the full wage. So instead of getting to keep tips on top of their minimum wage in California, Nevada and the other states, tipped workers would be paid a base wage of $2.13 an hour and employers could use their tips to make up the rest.
**Copywrite 2006 Associated Press.
~~~~~~~>>>>> Will someone please tell me how this can even be something ANYONE would consider? Not all employees are tipped equally.... Some waitresses, bartenders, hair dressers would do ok while, I fear, a vast majority could suffer.... and suffer greatly. Then, the state can pick them up... on welfare! Or have I been living in my little cave of isolation for so long that I'm totally so far out of the loop of life awareness, tipping and the food and beverage businesses, that I'm permanently out to lunch???
Wednesday, August 02, 2006
Who it is in the black Beamer that keeps honking at me like I should know them...
Who it is that sent me the song text message... "ohhh baby, I shouldn't have let you go either... if only I knew who you were." *blink, blink, blonde look n giggles* (I think it's a wrong number and someone didn't get their message.. lol)
Why some people are harder to communicate with than others. Normally I communicate well with everyone. Or at least almost everyone. Is it because they're more blonder than me?? *grins* Or does the universe suck all the oxygen out of the atmosphere at those particular moments in my life, leaving me with the greenhouse affect air only to breath, thus clogging my brain and sending me into the ozone where I must just look cute and go *blink, blink, smiles pretty*???
Why it is on Wednesday's I feel the need to go to the Chiropractor. Wednesday is the one day of the week he is closed.
Why head games make some people happy when it is the sole cause of their downstairs head being lonely. *straight faced blonde look then grins*Why overthinking a problem or issue doesn't cause true physical dizziness. It should, just to give the body a warning sign... "Hey buddy, you've phucked us up again!"
And... *The Dick of the Day Award* goes to ...... (drum roll, please...) .....
Jason! For almost costing his dealership $1295.00 just because he was such an arrogant fool and wouldn't listen to me. Unfortunately, I have too much of a conscience and am too honest. I waited until I was about to pull out of the parking lot, and then I told on him. lol (bet he's not there next week)
I had to take this poor baby fledgling away from MK (aka Monster Kitty) the other night. He wasn't trying to kill it, but was playing with it on the front lawn. Rather disturbing that our orphan kitty is a potential murderer though. *sighs* I'm wondering if it will take years of rehabilitation for him to mend his wanton, bird hunting ways.
The poor little bird was naturally scared to death. Death being the incentive I was trying to prevent! I did a quick google search to try and find out how to take care of it - or at least what to do. Following the bird rescue advice, I eye-droppered (a blonde word if your wondering *grins*) a combination of of water and sugar down his little beak (called emergency food), brought Kitty in the house, and put the little fledgling out on a rose bush in the back. He wouldn't go back in to the closest tree where I found him.. *sighs*... I'm so at a loss here.
The information online said I should place him as close as possible to where I found him (but who knows where Monster found him). The site info also said it could take 5-15 days for him to be able to fly away.
Well, the next morning when I went out to the back patio to water, I saw the little guy hopping along the outer edge of the bark laid against the back wall of the complex. But, he seemed to be holding one wing in close to his chest and I'm thinking, "damn, the online info said that could be a sign of a broken wing," so I immediately walk through the apartment and around to the back wall to further check out the fledgling.... and I can't find him! He was just there!!
So, I have one of my "Thank You God" moments, wanting to believe the little guy is all right and actually flew away.
No such luck. Two days later Galen found him. Ack! Not alive!! Galen had something in his mouth and I made him drop it, thinking it was a piece of bark. No such luck, it looked like a fried baby bird! I don't know what killed him. If it was our heat (112 at the time), not having his mom to feed him, maybe getting dehydrated (which was another reason I tried to find him... he loved the emergency food)... all I know is I flunked bird rescue and felt totally awful!! *sighs* (ok, I still feel awful. I should have just kept him in that box and taken him to ... some where that knows about birds!)