Blonde By Design

Wednesday, August 09, 2006

Nap Company...

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Today was one of those lazy, *I feel drained*, kind of days. Even though it's only Wednesday, it felt like it should be the end of the week. Probably a combination of going through the human pin cushion syndrome (medical tests) and two restless nights, back to back of a little more pain than anyone could ever need.

But hey, I remembered to see the chiropractor before Wednesday (when he's closed) and we both laughed when he was done. Only because we were both relieved that when I shouted out in pain after he adjusted my neck (which has only happened twice before) I managed to not say the *F* word.

*embarrassed look n grins*

That actually happened once after an adjustment... and I swear... I didn't say it on purpose. It slipped! I about died! AND, there were people in the waiting room that heard my famous phuckkkk bleep on that day!

When I woke up from my, "don't fight it, just go rest" nap, I found the youngest member of the Ark Family, Galen, had managed to figure out how to get on the bed and made himself quite at home. He's 4 months and 48 lbs now.

Since today is his last day as a studly dude I decided he could just sleep on my bed tonight. (notice the, "please don't make me leave here," look? lol) Tomorrow, bright and early, we're taking a little drive to the vet's office and he's having his eunuch procedure done.


I hope it doesn't hurt my little man.


  • Now if that isn't a look! What a big baby!! Okay, so how big do you think he will get??? 4 months at 48 lbs...hmmm...:)

    By Blogger Sara, at 2:20 PM  

  • I'm thinking he's going to maybe be a wee bit bigger than I originally thought.... lol. I guess time will tell. I had thought he'd be around 80 lbs. I'll have to ask his grandpa how much his biological dad weighs. *grins*

    By Blogger Sprite, at 2:29 PM  

  • Laughing at eununch procedure. Yikes!! Wicked woman!

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 2:51 PM  

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