Blonde By Design

Wednesday, August 09, 2006

Molly making decisions...

Molly, trying to decide if the new vehicle passes her inspection.

She goes with me everywhere... and I do mean everywhere. Loves to travel, hates to be left at home or with the dog sitter. All in all she seemed to decide the Rav was ok.

We might need to get a ramp so the entrance and exit are a little easier for her (and me). For now we sort of have a system where she reaches up with her front legs (with my help) and I lift her hindside up and in. (which is why it's a good thing I workout.. lol)

She's 11 but I keep thinking she's older - she's been with me forever it seems. We've been through more than you can imagine together. Although she gets around very well, she has arthritis bad enough that she hasn't been able to jump in and out of things for several years. Posted by Picasa


  • Molly is quite the girl! She looks rather content in the RAV...sometimes it is hard to believe how old they are...

    By Blogger Sara, at 2:19 PM  

  • Yeah, I know what you mean... I keep thinking she's 13 for some reason. But when I do the math she still comes out to 11. *blonde look n grins*

    By Blogger Sprite, at 2:30 PM  

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