Blonde By Design

Saturday, August 05, 2006

Sprite Quote for the Day:

Happy people say happy things. Unhappy people say negative things.
Negative people ... need more toothpaste.

*blonde grins*

Saturday Ramblings...

Earlier today I had a fun venture through Costco and picked up an official *big boy bed* for Galen. Now maybe he'll stop peeing on Molly's. *groans and rolls eyes* I love my job, though. I'm the only girl I know that can make money while I shop. How does life get any better than that??? *grins*

It occurred to me today while at Costco, I no longer have to do the yearly hotdog fix at an annual Fair and get all dusty. (but I still love the fair - and everyone needs one of those cinnamon rolls) I can indulge whenever I want at Costco! (although I try not to) *laughs because I know the thought of eating hotdogs turns some people green*

Hey... I'm a girl.. and we like hotdogs! The other girls ... well, they just like other girls. *innocent look n grins*

All in all it's been a great day. Works been great, shopping was fun, the Rav is much more comfortable now and ... I have fresh iris and rose arrangements sitting in the kitchen. What can be better than that? I soooo love fresh cut flowers. The only thing even slightly better was the sushi I had for dinner. Life makes me smile today. :)

Now I have to go finish the baking I'd started last night - but that's going to take me a couple days to actually finish up. Project Iraq (I've sent over 40 boxes to our soldiers in Iraq and am getting ready to make another shipment) and the goodies for care packages I send out ... oh! And on another teeth rotting, nauseating note... I also bake for the homeless. *grins* (serious - I have for years.. lol)


  • You and your Costco trips... lol

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 11:11 PM  

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