Blonde By Design

Sunday, August 06, 2006

Galen and Kitty...

Galen and Kitty (aka Monster Kitty) playing under the bed in the guest room/office/art room. (aka: not enough room in one room!) Galen has been systematically eating the under side of the bed. *frowns* Well, almost eating it. He's been pulling and tearing at the cheese cloth. It's his only great fauxpas as a puppy. I'd be more upset but, in truth it's a box springs and mattress I plan to replace when the time comes to do so. It's wayyyy old, I bought the bed because of the frame and headboard. Antique and totally cool.

I'm a little worried about Kitty tonight. His meow is.. .hoarse sounding. I'm not sure he's really feeling totally well. Not being a cat person, I'm not sure if it's anything to be worried about, but I'm going to have him looked at this week when I take him in for his feline rabies booster. All the Ark kids are going in this week for their rabies shots (I give the rest to them).

Galen is getting a little more of a surprise than his first rabies shot, though. It's snip, snip time for him. (thank gosh) I think his testosterone has hit him full force this past week... he's gone from being my sweet little angle to the puppy from hell. Demanding, pushy, and totally exercising his voice. (can we say, "GALEN SHUSH?!") He's learned that if he asks me to go outside I stop work. Being no dummy, he's applied that trick to getting me to take him outside ... to play! lol All in all, he's still a happy big, little boy and totally fun. Today, however he has worn me out.

It's been a long day that been endlessly busy and I haven't gotten one thing done that I needed to. I'm not sure if that's because I'm blonde or just having a focus deficiency. At one point I was wondering if I was borderline ADD. Then I realized eating might help. *rolls eyes and grins* I haven't totally started back on my medical diet yet. I'm kind of trying to sneak up on it and surprise myself that I'm doing it, so today, I supplemented my greens with a few Hershey's kisses. Well... everyone needs a Sunday kiss now and then. lol

Ok, I'm off to actually make an attempt to do something that needs to be done... lol
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  • What a team! Oh, yes, isn't it fun when they discover that if they bark and act like it is peepee take them out...Zac will stand and bark at me the minute he comes in cause he wants to go play more...who said they can figure things out????

    By Blogger Sara, at 1:29 PM  

  • Thanks, Sara, they are a cute team. Totally love each other. I could use a little less barking today, thogh... but it's also very cute how he's learning to ask to go outside. He figures wayyy too much out, I'm thinking!

    By Blogger Sprite, at 1:08 AM  

  • **though

    By Blogger Sprite, at 1:08 AM  

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