Blonde By Design

Saturday, October 21, 2006

A repressed need??

Can you believe that I manage to pack and drag 3 heavy pieces of luggage from California to Florida without so much as a smudge or mar to my nails... and then, today, in a rush to get a stranded lone shopping cart at the NINETY NINE CENTS STORE of all gawdforsaken places, I BREAK a nail???

*rolls eyes at self*

Shopping carts are like gold at this particular 99 Cents outlet. People actually LEAVE with them. (scary thought - sad thought, too)

Because I'm a smart girl and like to save where I can, I buy my bottled water at the 99 Cents store. It just happens to be so much easier to haul out 10 gallons of water with a shopping cart - and they carry my brand of water.

*laughs that she has a Brand of Water*

And before the anal section starts digging in with the question of, "just how practical am I, haven't I ever heard of Water Filters" .... ummmmmm..... Let me just answer those little question right now.

*mischievous grin*

1) I'm blonde
2) I don't like the taste of filtered water. Unless you know of a filter that can pass my little taste buds test well, then... ... next question, please. *innocent look*

*smiles pretty, blue eyed twinkle*

I'm beginning to think the constant damage to my flip finger is a sign of psychological damage and showing stress signs of the repressed need to flip something or someone off. lol

Since I never flip anyone off in anger...

(except for that one car several months ago)

...and I haven't had the need or desire to flip anyone off in a couple of years

(but that was fun - albeit at times flustered and involuntary *grins* ).


But, seriously, I can't think of a solution to this repressed flip off frustration.

A girl can't just go around flipping just anyone off, ya know what I mean??

On a serious note, I hope the Nail Nazi doesn't shoot me for breaking another nail after my Montana nail massacre.

*laughs - ok, I can't be serious*
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