Across the prairie and to the hills...
Depending on which farm we were at when I was growing up, my backyard was either acres of rolling hills or miles and miles of endless prairie.
Really, I'm always a country girl at heart without the desire for the motif. I just sometimes look like I might have been to the city more than once. I'm confusing that way. *blonde grins*
(hey! you have to go to the city to get THIS hair color JUST RIGHT!! *winks*)
I arrived at my parents home late on a Thursday night in the middle of a rain storm. The closer I got to home, the more the storm let up.
It wasn't a bad storm. More of a nurturing, steady, "water mother earth" type of storm. A constant shower that promised not to let up for several hours until all the plants and fields were watered, clean, and everything had had a good long drink.
I'm never quite sure what to expect when I get home. Not quite sure what the internal weather structure - the mood - will be like *Inside* the house. It's a roomy, large two story log cabin home with a wrap around deck that has need of repairs here and there. My parents are in their 80's and still mostly active, despite life's set backs and their respective ages.
Naturally, as I'm used to, one parent is always bitching about the other.
Yes, I said bitching.
Sorry. No other way to describe that one and give you the *colorful* picture. *smiles*
My third oldest sister is here. She's a beautiful blonde, our hair almost identical in color, and has this great animal sense. She's the proud mother of two extremely talented and beautiful children, and has a husband that is a mixture of her blessing and a thorn. She's back for a visit also, so we can spend some time together. She softens my stay and without saying a word, she protects me now in a way that wasn't available to her when I was younger.
She wasn't available to me when I was younger.
I have to tell you, it is TOTALLY cool having her for a big sister now. I'm so enjoying this, getting to know her again and for her to actually learn who I AM now. She's so much nicer than she's ever been before. She's dropped the snobville stuff, lightened up the Praise the Lord stuff and is FUN to be around. We both share our love of animals - especially horses.
She is a trainer. An excellent trainer.
Out of all my sisters, this one has grown the most and has the purest intent of trying to understand everyone and be a good person. She's got great energy and a pure heart. Truly, I honestly believe God hears her prayers with crystal clarity when she is praying for our family.
My Mom and Sister are waiting up to greet me, my Dad long gone to bed.
I am home.
All is well.
The house is quiet and calm. I am unscathed.
*relieved sigh*
This is a good beginning.
I think it is very cool how our relatioships with our siblings changes as we get older and miles accumulate between us. It's a good thing.
By Anonymous, at 5:50 AM
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