The never ending road to home...
This is between Helena and Great Falls, MT. One of my favorite roads in Montana. By the time I got to Helena I was feeling just a wee bit narcoleptic and needed food. I was determined to make it home by the end of the night and had 4 more hours of driving in front of me. All thought it may sound a bit bazaar, I like driving the different weather conditions. They're fun- they exhilarate me! But, that's probably left over heritage from growing up on half a year with black ice.. LOL
I stopped in Helena long enough to get food, unload and load the Ark kids for potty breaks. I'm thinking I was pretty much as close to a Zombie as a girl could get without actually getting the job. Despite that, all in all is good. I enjoy the winding roads, scenery and the trip down memory lane. When I lived in Montana I had lived in Helena, South Havre, Billings, Great Falls, Kremlin, and seems like some where else, but I'm not thinking of it at the moment. LOL
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