Blonde By Design

Thursday, September 28, 2006

The never ending road to home...

This is between Helena and Great Falls, MT. One of my favorite roads in Montana. By the time I got to Helena I was feeling just a wee bit narcoleptic and needed food. I was determined to make it home by the end of the night and had 4 more hours of driving in front of me. All thought it may sound a bit bazaar, I like driving the different weather conditions. They're fun- they exhilarate me! But, that's probably left over heritage from growing up on half a year with black ice.. LOL

I stopped in Helena long enough to get food, unload and load the Ark kids for potty breaks. I'm thinking I was pretty much as close to a Zombie as a girl could get without actually getting the job. Despite that, all in all is good. I enjoy the winding roads, scenery and the trip down memory lane. When I lived in Montana I had lived in Helena, South Havre, Billings, Great Falls, Kremlin, and seems like some where else, but I'm not thinking of it at the moment. LOL
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