Blonde By Design

Wednesday, August 16, 2006

Opps... I forgot to ask you... Suggestions, please...

I'm going to be taking a road trip sometime in the next couple of weeks. Well, actually a couple of them since I'm going to Mexico first, then off to Montana to visit Home on the Range. After talking to my Dad tonight, I really can't put the trip off.

It was a nice visit and he immediately knew who I was... but he also wanted to know if I was on my way home yet.

"It'd be good if you could stay longer, Toots. That'd be good."

*quiet look*

No one told him I was coming home this summer for a quick visit. There's only been talk of my coming back in November to put up my Mom's Christmas Tree Lane arrangement of lights.

I have to be able to make this trip whether I want to go or not. My dad doesn't ask questions like that. He's so ... frail. His voice is this quiet, raspy whisper when he talks to me. His 82 years are showing the wear and tear of his life. It's breaking my heart. All those years of the distance I had to put between myself and their anger and dysfunctions don't seem to matter so much when you're preparing to say good-bye.

This is hard.

He has a picture of the two of us sitting next to his night stand. Me home for a visit and a Christmas break from school. He'd picked me up and twirled me, laughing that I hadn't grown a bit and was still as tiny as in High School. We both have these huge smiles on our faces, identical blue eyes, from the Irish side of the family tree, twinkling with charisma and laughter as my Dad joked about how he could still bounce me over his shoulder the same as when I was a little girl.

I took the snap shot, had it blown up and framed. Underneath the picture I had an artist write "I'll Always Be A Daddy's Girl."

So, now that I've rambled on and told you more than you need to know... the help I'm asking for? The suggestions?


I need cd ideas to buy for my road trip. Any suggestions but country. Paul? Some good classical or show tunes that you might be able to guide me to would be great. And any suggestions from anyone else would totally be appreciated.

The music side of my life is yet another story I'll tell you on another day. I'm getting there.
Progress is a good thing. *smiles*


  • Well, I'm a jazz kinda guy, myself. Davis, Coltrane, Monk... the trinity of jazzdom. I would have to say that your road music needs to compliment the purpose behind your trip. According to your blurb, you’ve come full circle to find yourself in a profoundly deep emotional well. I would suggest anything Narada, but most particularly, the music of Eric Tingstad and Nancy Rumbel. They combine “light” with the beauty of guitar, oboe, and piano. Classical? Not really. Chopin is fine for dinner out, but Beethoven makes you want to sever an ear, Dvorak incites riots, and Rachmaninoff will put you to sleep. Not a good thing if you’re driving. *S*

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 5:35 AM  

  • WOW! Tom, you are amazing! Excellent suggestions! For the classics, I totally agree about Chopin, but there are things by Beethoven (Symph. #7) and Dvorak Symoh. #9 in e minor) that I find simply elating. I'm big on the Brits - Vaughan Williams, Holst and Finzi, so almost anything by them is tops with me. If you're looking for laughs, I must suggest Avenue Q - fun songs and a message at the end. I find that I go through phases of music that I listen to, and several things do different things for me at the moment. At times it's Annie Lennox, or Rufus Wainwright, or The Pet Shop Boys, or Dave Matthews. Yes, I know, it's a strange mix, but it's me we're talking about. Find things that are fun to drive to (but mind the speed limit ;-)), and that take you to a place of happiness and comfort. E-mail me and we'll talk shop. And Tom, I'm very curious to hear about your musical knowledge - you must be a musician, no?

    By Blogger Paul, at 8:05 AM  

  • I have a cool Cd you can listen to, Liquid Soul, check them out, their two older CD's rock

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 10:59 AM  

  • Paul, my man... thanks. Your suggestions are noteworthy, as well. My preferences are merely an evolution of personal taste and are not limited to musical genre alone. BTW, if it’s humor you’re looking for, definitely check out “The Cheese.” This guy’s a blast and the ladies love him!

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 1:56 PM  

  • Thank You, Thank You, Thank You, Thank ALL of You!... all of this is so helpful! Paul, I think you hit the Beethoven (Symph. #7) I've been trying to remember. What my memory recalls of it, it didn't make me want to sever an ear. *grins n laughs* I'll have to listen to it and see. I still need some Chopin - I might just actually cook again. *giggles* But that's another occasion. *grins*

    More Suggestions, please?? Take me more modern now. Any great new artists - and between the 80's and 90's, too. (actually, I've begun to remember many of the 80's again. yay me!) Suggestions, suggestions, suggestions please???

    And double thanks, again!!

    Ok... I'm off to registar for school and stay on track .. lordy, I'm being SUCH an almost adult today! Well... other than eating being all OCD like with eating Trail Mix. *laughs at self*

    By Blogger Sprite, at 2:17 PM  

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