Blonde By Design

Monday, July 31, 2006

Life is good....

Even though life has been on overload, balancing a wonderful thriving practice between physical therapy appointments and making great progress recovering from a medical setback, all while catching up on what's behind... I find myself so grateful.

Grateful to be me, living in my body with my mental outlook and my frame of mind, and even with my brain despite it's glitches at times when I want more from it.

After a conversation I had earlier today all I can think is .... Damn it's good to be me!!
... and.. I wonder if it's hard for some people to live like that? It has to be exhausting!!

Although I'm sad for the person I was talking to... I feel so eternally blessed and so very grateful to be me.... Sooo grateful that I promise, I won't complain for a month about the saga of my beloved Galen and the kitchen floor!! *big grins*

Sunday, July 30, 2006

Last Monday I took some rare time off from work... but the day was still a busy blur, starting with stepping in an unsuspecting puddle of puppy peeee on the kitchen floor. Eeeekkkkkk!!!! There is puppy pee on my BARE FOOT! (on Galen's behalf, I will say I missed the potty cue he was trying to give to me and he DID go in the spot where his potty pad would have been laying... had I not been mopping the kitchen floor!)

My brain forgets about the fact that my fresh clean kitchen floor has been spoiled. I'm now all about getting that pee off the bottom of my foot... and the kitchen sink is handiest. So there I am, standing on one foot, the offended foot lifted up under the kitchen sink faucet, running warm water over my foot, reaching for the disinfectant soap ... and the doorbell rings!


I was just out shaking the entry way rugs and I hadn't shut the door completely as I was about to go back outside and finish that task when my foot found the puddle of peeeee. Fortunately it was just the complex manager wanting advice. *sighs* I'm not sure why she feels it's ok to always drop in or call whenever she wants something.... but she's a sweet person, so I help out where I can. (but I'm not a fan of her calling me at 3 in the morning... grrrrrr to that noise!)

On Tuesday, I handled yet another client case involving an attorney. (currently 3 clients are dealing with legal issues) Wow, I was thinking... sometimes you really are good!

I was almost thinking, "Wow, you got it going on, girl... especially for being so blonde and all... "

Then I glued my fingers together while repairing a loose nail. Seriously glued together. Major STUCK. *laughs at self* So, in the next five minutes I'm fumbling through bathroom cupboards digging out the acetone and Q-tips to gently unstick my fingers without messing up my nails... and I get a work call.

I talk a lot with my hands. Not an easy feat with your pointer finger and thumb being glued together on your right hand. I can't focus on that though, I have to concentrate on the call. Of course it wouldn't be an easy "fix it" call. It's one where I actually have to combine brain cells with the force of the Universe. *rolls eyes, laughs and googles Super Hero's to look for help*

I'm going to have to review lessons from my old manicure school days with glue. It's getting to be a dangerous household item. But ... it keeps me humble. lol

I'm sure there was more to tell you... but... Galen is making me mop the kitchen floor ... again. Omigosh, you won't believe how big he's gotten! He's almost as tall as Molly now, but still wants on my lap. (now that is going to be a problem when he out weighs me!!) I'll have to take some new pictures of him. He's all ready bigger than the last pictures I took but haven't posted.

Still stuck on last Saturday...

So, after I escaped from the balloon and parade ceremonies at the SUV dealership and get back home, I had a baby christening party that I needed to make an appearance at. I'd all ready given the parents, who happen to be neighbors as well, a little gift card to help with the party. They're good kids. A young couple just out of high school. He has a bit of a watchful roaming eye. She has a tendency to lean toward jealousy. All in all good kids... and the baby is a little princess.

I had all ready had an overload of attention given to me for one day at the car dealership and was a bit nervous about walking into this Christening party. Especially nervous because I'm pretty sure I'll be the only white girl there. The only tall, blonde, white girl.

I was.


To help take my nervousness down a notch, I stopped by the baby department at Mervyn's and picked up a couple of little dresses for my favorite little Princess. Carrying a gift, I'm thinking, will be a distraction and make me .... less noticeable, less visible... right??
(go with me on this one, please ... Just say, uh huh... you're right... ok?)

The purchases was one of those EUREKA moments! Two little dresses, on SALE. Each $3.99 and WAY cute! Damn! I'm thinking, for that price, Princess should have three!!! And a stuffed toy.

So, now I'm off to the Baby Christening party. I drive by and check it out first. It's an outdoor party. Ok, deep breathes, I can do this. Right? I must be insane. It must be after shock from buying a new car. Maybe I was sleep walking last night, fell ... and bumped my head.
Blonde Damage. Something. My vow to get out more really didn't mean twice in one day... did it??


The young couple (and everyone else) watch me arrive and walk into the area where everyone is sitting, eating, visiting, and dancing. I don't understand one word being sung.... or said. My Spanish is limited to ... ummmm... no habla espanol. lol

Immediately the little wife's older brother greets me, leads me to the gift table and puts my package with the growing mound of brightly colored bags and gift wrapped boxes. Princess made a haul!

No one is dancing except for my little neighbors and their baby, and the wife gestures for me to join them on the dance floor. (ok, can you just hearrrrr me groan now???) Without even hesitating a moment, the brother takes my hand and leads me out on the dance floor... and there I am following his lead... doing what I later discovered was the Salsa.

Well, how would I know that?

My little neighbor came running up to me afterward, bright smile on her face, and said, "Sprite! I didn't know you could do the Salsa!!" I smiled back and said, "I didn't know it either." We both laughed, danced another set, then the brother had to be excused to go pick up their Uncle and I made my escape to go home.

It was fun... but ... I have to be careful with the brother. Too much Latin blood in that boy. What is it about younger men and me? *sighs* I could be his mother!!!

Last Saturday in Blondeville...

Last Saturday I picked up my new little girly-girl SUV that packs a bit of a punch. *yay me!* However, had anyone told me that they make such a fuss over someone buying a new vehicle, those of you that know me well know... I wouldn't have done it!! (or I would have found a way to have gotten out of all the balloon and parade ceremonies... even if I do love an occasional hotdog!)

OMG! They parked the SUV on this red carpet circle, EVERYONE in the dealership and from 3 blocks around (or so it seemed) came out and watched while they took my picture. I was standing there, mentally talking my head out of shyville and reminding myself I get my picture taken often enough, I can handle this. I do do some model stuff here and there. Not often, but enough to not freeze when a camera is staring down my face.

And then it hit me. How do I pose with clothes on???

*laughing at myself*

I'm so used to striking a pose in lingerie ... and I'm standing there thinking to myself, "Now how is it I should pose with clothes on?? And why are all these people here??? *blink, blink*... make the people go away, this isn't a work day..."

So, I'm standing there, my arms hugged around me like I've got a chill and that's going to make it all better. Or at least make some of those people go away.

Trying to compose myself and turn up a winning white toothed smile, I tilt my head down and what do I see? Wayyyyy to much cleavage!! I had on a new orange cami top and... lets just say I didn't pay close enough attention before I left the house and leave it at that. *grrrrrroans* (What is it with orange cami's and me? This is the second time an orange cami has, shall we say, put the girls on display in too much of a way! *frowns at self for being in a hurry before I left that day)

I survived all of the congratulations, picture taking ,and being forced to be the center of attention, made arrangements to bring the SUV back to have the VIP package and alarm system installed and was off on my merry way.

By the time I got home (it's a 2 1/2 hr. drive) I was soooo regretting my purchase. I had thought, during my Goldilocks seat testing sitting spree, that I could get by with the cloth interior (the leather seats had initially seemed more comfortable to me). During my test drives the cloth seats seemed comfortable enough.

Well, ladies and gentleman, I'm here to tell you I was WRONG. Not only was I wrong, I was DEAD ARSE WRONG! My great purchase was turning into a dud! My butt was numb and I felt like I'd been sitting on a brick! I had, upon purchase, covered the issue with the dealership, on the off chance the cloth seats weren't as comfortable as the leather. (you see, it wasn't that I needed leather... it was that the leather seats felt more comfortable to my Princess and the Pea butt and back).

I immediately called the dealership to let them know there was a problem... but... customer service seemed to be slightly lagging now that the purchase had been made. I wasn't about to let non returned phone calls hold me back.

When the dealership, who was aware seating could be an issue and that a comfortable seat was of utmost importance to me, didn't return phone calls, I called the manufacturer. The Toyota Manufacturer. I'm not about to put my back through any shite - if it fatigues, I fatigue and that will just not do! Sitting on a brick like seat for several hours at a time while driving is not ok with me.

After my little chat with Toyota and a couple semi heated phone calls with the dealership, the brick seat issue is now in the process of being resolved. (my poor numb butt! How dare they even think of abusing it! lol)

The dealership wasn't wanting to listen at first, or hoping I'd so go away. Ha! No chance with this much money on the line! I told the Customer Service rep that my little SUV was like having a great looking guy for a boyfriend, but he was a royal dick to be around. THEN she understood and started the wheels rolling to resolve the issue and get leather with padding installed in my SUV.


I so hate hassles. If those people had any idea how much I hate having to be tough they'd.... choke. When I'm in Power Puff mode because a wrong has been done or a promise not kept, ... well, lets just say... I'm going to win that battle.

Or my little butt is.

*happy camper grins*

Saturday, July 29, 2006

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Dinner and mountain test drive with the Rav on Monday.
The food was... mediocre, the drive and the company were fun despite a few complicated, omg, "Why is it that your hand is on my thigh?" moments. lol

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So... this is the new car find. Although it's hard to tell from the picture, it's Pearl White. Softer, prettier than super white.
I liked it.
It wanted to come home with me...
So, I bought it.

A week ago Thursday I was on my way to the Sunny Land to pick up my Rav4 SUV and Derrick, the salesman I'd dealt with on the phone, called me to say, "I'm not sure how this happened, but yesterday on my day off they sold your SUV."

Naturally, I was a little stunned. And more than a little unhappy about the circumstances. I had specifically told Derrick, "if you need a deposit, it's not a problem, just let me know." He was insistent that we'd be fine, just call before I ran up so he'd know what time I'd be on my way. The only issue at the time was how I'd get the old car and the new SUV home. (but give me 5 min. and I'll work that out.. lol)

Well, I guess you can figure out that Derrick's not getting Salesman of the Year award. He did feel bad though, so I left him standing with all his body parts in tack. Truly, I had about a 5 minute moment where I wanted to make him crawl and slither on the ground like the dirty bug that he was... before I stomped on him. *laughs at how tuff I sound when I switch from Cream Puff to Power Puff* I refrained, got Zen and took deep breathes as an alternative to the "Kill Derrick" method. I could tell he was remorseful and at a loss. Besides... I so hate it when I have to be a biotch. It doesn't feel good. I'm almost sure it would give me a bad complexion if I let it happen very often.

Evan, who is the BEST salesman in the entire Central Valley (even though he didn't sell me the SUV), ran a check on his computer and found a Silver Limited Rav4, with leather on it's way to Lodi. SF also had a Black one due in by the 28th. By this point my brain was stuck on the Pearl White and thinking that I wasn't sure if I could fake enough bad ass moments to drive a black SUV. I was also afraid it would attract too much attention. (like the Pearl White hasn't... *silent blonde look*)

So, I made a call to Lodi and their manger said if I came up now I could have the Silver Limited Rav4. (Limited are sort of scarce at the moment. V6 Limited's are even more scarce.)

Next thing you know, I was on my way to Lodi before I'd even packed the rest of my brain or a compass. I was in *determined blonde* mode.

I was in *I want my SUV* mode.
And I want it NOW.
I've got plans and places to be and people to see and Sunnyvale has messed with my plans.

*remembers to breathe and laughs a self*

next thing you know, I'm in the Lodi dealership lot intently focusing on Rav4 colors with x-ray, perfectionist artist vision. Switch hitting from leather seats to cloth then back to leather. This seat is too hard. This seat is too soft. Ahhhh, this seat is just right. Could you open this one, please? Move it forward, please? Could you park these two side by side, please? Hmmmmm... Would you mind terribly parking them over there where the light is better, please? Oh, yes, that's so much better. Thank you. Wait... could you pull this one up a little more? Oh, thank you. I so appreciate your doing this. (Jillian was a great little helper and salesperson... a total doll!)

After about 15 minutes of jocking the Silver Rav4 they had in the lot (which wasn't a Limited) back and forth with the Pearl White Limited Rav4 they had in the lot I was still set on Pearl White.

Somehow the Silver seemed.... dull. The Pearl White was... soft and pretty... and full of light. It was a *me* car. (and no, I'm not saying I'm soft and pretty... I'm just full of light... on the days when I'm not full of BlondeAir. *grins*)

more SUV saga later...

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Tuesday, July 25, 2006

I worry...

I worry that, with all the terror, destruction and war going on in the Middle East, how will all of the victims of Katrina ever be taken care of in a swift and timely process the way they deserve?

I worry that all of our involvement and efforts in Third World Countries keep us blind to the problems and issues we have here ... of American's living like they were in a Third World Country.

We need bigger eyes... we need more peace ...

Saturday, July 22, 2006

When I walk, my new belt creaks, reminding me of the sounds of saddle leather in the days when I used to ride. It makes me homesick for those days ... but... that's all a part of my agenda and goals I'm keeping my focus on as I continue to climb forward and physically heal. Posted by Picasa

Friday, July 21, 2006

Playing hooky....

I'm playing hooky today. Well, from everything but work. lol

I've canceled all my appointments. (even with my cherished former physical therapist... sorry Deep. *hugs*)

I need rest and I don't suppose the air quality is helping any.

I've just too much to do to get it all done in time, and I have to get the paperwork with the new bank finished up ... especially now, with the new SUV. Although the car dealership I just purchased my SUV from gave me a good interest rate, I think the new bank will give me a better one, plus I have to contact my insurance company and get everything transferred over.

*tired sighs*

Then I have to finish cleaning house and grocery shopping since I'm entertaining on Sunday... which would be cool, but part of tomorrow is going to be on the road and I've so much I want to get done before then. I'm wayyy thrilled that the dealership is going to make the drive down to where I live and pick me up, thus removing the "how am I going to get 2 cars home" problem. (it's a 2 1/2 hr drive - one way)

Ok... food time, a nap and back to work for me. Have a great weekend everyone!

My new car look... Yikes!!

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*Wow I just bought a new car* face. (ahem.. one that needs to not eat chocolate before someone snaps a picture of her.)

Much more of the story to tell.. .(thanks Brian for being such a great guy this afternoon!)

They're delivering my Rav4 on Saturday.
(I was too shocked to be excited earlier... everyone at the dealership was excited - except me. I was fielding work calls and trying to not go into shock over spending so much money.)

It's all cool though. Truly, it didn't even take very long. It took longer for me to choose which color I wanted than it did for the financing to go through. Sooooo, feeling chicken is over. Saturday I imagine it should all sink in when they deliver. Oh! And I may have all ready sold BOTH my old Celica AND my current car! By accident!! Yay!!

Ok, off to bed with me... lordy I have to stop these late nights. I don't know how the time keeps slipping away from me. I have to be up early, run the Celica over to my least fav. mechanic to do a quick fix on the hood, then back to work and find time to make my favorite former physical therapist who's now my orthopedic doctor his favorite peanut butter fudge before I see him in the afternoon.

Toxic sky...

That lovely blue-grayish hue in the sky is not a storm coming in.

It's not cloudy overcast.

It's over the top summer heat mixed with our sunny toxic air of the day.
I believe it registers "unhealthful to all types" for today. *sighs*

Breathing can sometimes be difficult, but I'm actually handling it all ok... if one doesn't count how many times I've had to dip into the headache med. in the past 6-7 days.

This is why I have to move. Posted by Picasa

Thursday, July 20, 2006

If I had anything more to do tomorrow than I all ready to, I'd need to stuff another whole day in the same 24 hours. I'm not sure how I'll accomplish all I need to get done... but I'll figure it out somehow.

In the meantime, I deserve an award or medal of honor ... or something... for not eating all (or any of) the Rice Krispie Treats I threw together to add to a couple of care packages I'm sending out for a niece and nephew. OMGosh... I'm so stunned at my current use of SuperHumanWillPower to avoid the sugary snacks that I'm almost impressed with myself!!! (especially considering that in April I ate the entire pan of treats .... twice. *sheepish look* Needless to say, the April packages went out without Rice Krispie Treats.)

I'm a little nervous about my car adventure tomorrow. I'm actually supposed to be doing mapquest and getting directions to the Sunny land dealership, not blogging... *rolls eyes at self* I'm having a chicken moment about buying my new car. I just hate the thought of spending all that money!! I have to remind myself that I can afford it .... and then I have this little argument in my own head.

Yes you can.
No you can't.
Yes you can, no you can't.
Yes you cannnnnnnnn.

Well, actually, I can, and things are only going to get better. I'm just nervous about spending so much money. I'm nervous about... having to have a loan that big when I'm so diligently working my little butt off to pay off double figures of past medical expenses ... and then I have the expense of a move coming up .. and the whole buying a house saga to go through. I'll be ok, and it'll all be great. I'm just nervous. I'd rather be putting this much money in savings.

Ya know, I'm blonde. I'm not supposed to have to worry or be concerned about money and savings and responsible stuff. Aren't I just supposed to be able to bat my eyes, look cute and spend it? *blink, blink*

Wednesday, July 19, 2006

Today's T-shirt

It's been another non stop busy day.... but a great day as well. So, with the end of the day fatigue fuzzing out my brain, I'm going to do the easy blog version of blondville in a nut shell. (hmmmm... no more nuts! I've sworn off trail mix... until I buy the next bag! *laughs at self* ~sometimes I am such a child) My nights are getting wayyyy too close to my mornings and I've just gotta stop that!

Today's Compliment: "Wow! You look good. You look so healthy!!" (said by Tracy, an old neighbor I haven't seen in over a year and of whom knew me well during the house bound and major isolated days of illness years ago.) A compliment that was especially appreciated since I've been feeling a bit fatigued and experiencing bad air headaches for the last 3 days along with heat dehydration (can't get enough water) and... almost a little leathery with my face doing a slight dry skin peel as a result of recent facial - naturally, the end result won't be a leathery look, I'm just... self conscious.) I was asked out on 2 dates. Other cool compliment actually said in a sincere way by a car salesman, "Your boyfriend is a lucky man." (*gigglefest* ~ Victor will be sooo happy to know!!)

Today's Mishap: I woke up wayyyyy too late, but didn't really care. I'd decided to just take a slow easy day, but work dictated a different pace. Molly was late for her grooming appointment and Kitty appears to have a cold. I think he has allergies. *frowns*

Today's Hassel: Galen has been the puppy from hell. He chewed up his potty pads again, after he had used them in the fashion they were meant to be used. Ewwwwwwww. AND left them laying on his NEW bed!!! ugh!!! More laundry for me. Such a boy! He also discovered my underwear. *frowns* Other than that, he was an angel and asked to go outside when he needed to potty for the rest of the day. My sleeping in is the cause of his restless, "Get the hell up, I want out of the kitchen boredom."

Today's Gratitude: That work was such a blessing and went so well. I had two major clients really *get it* today, even though they're not done yet with the healing process. Way cool! I'm totally grateful that my dog groomer was so nice about my being later than late. He's Such an understanding guy and the only one I'll let groom Molly. He is so good to her! I just love that man! Also totally grateful that I felt genuinely Happy today in a way I haven't felt for a couple of years. Not that I haven't had happiness. This is just a "dance my ass off, I don't care who's watching, kind of happy." *grins*

Today's Worry: About 10 minutes into a phone conversation with my dad, he said, "I know I've got one of my girls on the phone here, I'm just not sure which one. Which one are you?" *burdened sigh* This has happened to my other siblings before, but up until now, he's always known me, his golden haired tomboy in ballet shoes. The clock is ticking and I'm trying not to worry. Trying...

Today's Highlight: I decided which SUV I'm buying and they're holding it for me. *grins* This is only the second car I've ever bought in my life. *sheepish look* The others were a result of being a daddy's girl and one from a fiance who loved me in all the wrong ways, too much, and ended up stalking me for 5 years after I'd left him. The biggest highlight is that my money vibration upped itself ~ again. *grins* It fits and feels good. I'm not sure how I'm going to make a million dollars, but I'm totally game! I'm also not going to worry about how it's going to happen. I'm just going to continue to trust and have faith... and follow the postive path. The other highlight is I have a new favorite song that I love to sing.... "Crazy" by Gnarls Barkely.

Monday, July 17, 2006

Note to adult self:

Trail Mix is not a well balanced meal.
Stop eating it like it is.

We know you're just pimpin' for the m&m's.

We're on to you.
We know how you are.

So, what color do you think I should get this vehicle in? Silver metallic, Black, or Pearl White? I'm undecided. I have decided on the 2WD (better gas mileage) and absolutely want leather interior instead of the cloth.

I looked at a Savanna metallic (goldish) Unlimted V6 Rav4 on Friday that was everything I wanted except the color. Well, and the price, too. I'd like it to cost a lot less. Or for them to make me a super great deal. lol Ok, I want the vehicle for $18, 000.

*straight face look*

That's only close to $10,000 off it's asking price.

*serious blonde look*

It can happen. Maybe only in my dreams, but it can happen.

There's one up in Sunny someplace I might run up and look at Tuesday. I hate to buy a new vehicle, because they depreciate so quickly... but, it's not like I'm going to trade it in any time soon. I need a bigger vehicle for the Ark Family and the Rav4 has the room I want plus the gas mileage I like. The other SUV models that get good/decent gas mileage don't have the room the Rav4 does, so it's still holding the, "I want this SUV" spot in my brain. I'm going to check out the Ford hybrid, but I think the Rav4 may still have more room. I do know I'm not crazy about the whole gymnastics act one needs to do to fold down the back seats on the Ford.

Decisions, decisions, decisions.

On another note. Mopping the kitchen floor since we inherited Galen, The Future Man-Eating Puppy, has become a full time job. And omg... where and when did that wax build up happen? I've spent wayyyy more time than I ever want to admit scrubbing and stripping and scrubbing the hell out of and stripping again, all that yucky old wax off what is all ready a very unattractive kitchen floor. (now you tell me.... WHY would they put something so ugly and... cheap in what they call luxury apartment/condos???)

Does anyone know of any product or trick to take old wax buildup easily off your floors? I've still the dining area to do and my shoulder totally isn't liking this slave labor. I only look good in a French maid costume.... not actually doing the job!!! (looks quickly to check nails for any flaws) *laughs at self*

Oh! And after all that scrubbing and mopping, how long do you think it took before Galen decided he needed to relieve himself, didn't ask to go out and MISSED the potty pad? The angel puppy that asked to go outside ALL day took less than 5 minutes to put his mark on my clean floor!!! *rolls eyes in wonder*

**edited note: It's not a Unlimited Rav4 that I want. *grins* It's LIMITED! *laughs at self then giggles some more* That's what I get for late night writing... and besides, when I'm tired the dyslexia kicks in... I'm just blonde like that.

Wednesday, July 12, 2006

Life finds me a bit exhausted at the moment. It's been a jam packed busy... forever, it seems.

So, Highlights of the day are:

A visit to the Nail Nazi. I just love that girl!

OPI nail color "The Life Guard Makes Me Blush"

My new Victoria Secrets flip flops were not only wayyyy fun, but wayyy comfortable and earned a ton of compliments. Everyone was shocked when I told them I got them on sale. $15.00

I sooo love getting a good deal!

The Victoria Secrets racerback bra dress I ordered to match my flip flops, however, is a dud! It fits everywhere except the armpits!

Now what's up with that?

It's like the dress was either made for a triple D cup... or a lady with boobs under her arm pits. Strange stuff. The other two dresses I ordered from VS fit perfectly. This one fits like it needs an alien to occupy the premise.. either that or to invest in... bigger cantaloupes. Much bigger. Fortunately I found a little blue and green sundress in my closet from last year and it said, "Yes, I'll match your new shoes." And then, off we were to look cute and pretend we weren't tired because we were up at the crack of dawn to see about Jack.

Jack the Russell Terrier has been adopted and is spending his first night in his new home. I'm sure the animal shelter thinks I'm a cross between the Dragon Lady and Little Bo Peep. And I care not. A few of the people out there ... gave me the creeps. The "look under your bed before you go to sleep," kind of creeps. "lions and tigers and bears... oh myy"

Verizon finally took care of my phone. Actually they gave me a new one. *rolls eyes* The warranty on the phone ends in August. I wonder if that stands with the new phone as well? I checked out the Blackberry while I was there, but there wasn't anyone present that could answer any of my questions about it. That's nice. lol.

Originally, when a friend brought up the Blackberry I was totally against the idea of being able to get emails on my phone. But, I wonder if you can't program which ones you get and which ones you don't? (I get a plethora of "solve my life" emails, some from people I don't even know, that I'd prefer to not follow me from computer to phone) Plus, I'm looking into making some other changes, so.... the Blackberry may be an option... the jury is still out on it, though. (the jury is so fun. *grins*)

And... to top my day off, my headset went out on me while I was away from home, so I couldn't work. But, I had cute shoes, so I was cool with it. *laughs at self* Actually, I just told myself to *chill* and taking a little more time off wouldn't kill me. And look! I'm not dead yet! *grins n winks*

Ok, off to bed for me. I have to be up at the crack of dawn again in the morning. This time, not to save a puppy. I have to dance with the doctor and do one of those adult things. You know, the physical exam, put your feet in the stirrups, let me hook you up to these wires and monitor your heart while you walk fast, kind of things.

Lucky me. lol.

I don't know why I have to do it. Everyone knows I'm not an adult. *frowns*
I just hate it when I'm so practical. lol

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Can anyone tell how much I've grown???
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Today's tee shirt.

Today's compliment: I was called a jogger. Yay! Love it. I sooo miss running. I don't run, but I do walk really fast. (had to give up jogging as result of a car accident years ago) Was also told several times today what a Saint I was for trying to save the little Jack Russell Terrier I found. (that's not being a Saint... it's just caring about something other than myself) Oh... and there was one whoo hoo and and two yeah baby's. lol (*rolls eyes and grins*)

Today's mishap: Almost bitten by a little Toto type dog on way home from walk and computer had a fur ball while trying to download pictures (time to take the tower to see the wizard men in tee shirts and polyester... loveeeee my computer guys.
In one word~~~> TrustWorthy!!)

Today's hassle: The dog pound is Such a drag and a certain car dealership needs to, like, coool their jets. I'll let them know when *I'm* ready, and my cell phone is giving me a PITA. (and not anything remotely resembling the good kind! lol)

Today's gratitude: My dad came home from the hospital, I had a great day at work (I LOVE my job! Helping people heal Rocks! Being good at what I do and paid well Rocks even more!), also got more done in the saga of "catching up what's behind."

Today's worry: Not so good of news about an old friend and neighbor, my dad's clock is ticking and he's slipping away, and trying to avoid making another trip to Mexico right away (of which I think I'm going to succeed in doing. Yay! Me! *grins*)

Today's Highlight: That so many businesses let me post signs about the little Jack Russell, who's family I'm trying to find, when they normally wouldn't let anyone post signs on their property. I tried to find all high traffic areas so that the signs would be visible. Heck, even Costco put up a sign!

Ok, that's all from blondville. Nighters all. *big hugs*

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Tuesday, July 11, 2006

FYI on Control Issues...

Since I was totally grateful for the help of the "control issue person" when I found the little terrier, you might wonder why now I've labeled the person a "control issue person."

So, in all fairness to my story I thought I'd take a moment to explain.

A) I have never met this person before. She just happened to be talking to the manager when I approached with the lost pup to see if anyone could identify him. Immediately she became the authority on the dog because *she* had a terrier mix.

"Ok... cool," I'm thinking, "I know nothing about them."
So, I'm still cool with things at this point.

B) Four phone calls later on how *she* is going to handle things with the little terrier I've begun to wonder and question her judgment, but I'm still very appreciative of the help.

C) She is going to foster the dog and possibly keep him. (cool, she'd be a good home, her dog looks well cared for.)

D) She doesn't know if she wants to keep him or foster him. (ok, everyone can change their minds)

E) She knows people personally at the pound and yada, yada, yada....

F) If the real family doesn't claim the little guy, SHE is going to foster him.

G) Four more phone calls later (opps... how'd they get on my voice mail? *grins*) She's decided that it's a good idea to send the dog to another county as suggested by HER friend the pound director...

(Did I mention I've never been a fan of our local pound? Did I mention I've had valid reasons... but I've sat back and listened while She was squawking? I mean.... things Can change, it's been years since I formed my original opinion. People can change... so I try to keep an open mind.)

H) She now is not going to foster the dog. She has a family crisis. (Ok, family crisis happen... I have one going on right now... my dad's in the hospital and I need to get home as soon as I can)

Her family crisis? A member of her cousin's family of whom She has never met has passed away and she needs to be there for her cousins... Ok, I can understand being there for her cousins but how does that keep you from and original commitment you made such a big deal over???

Alrighty then... I think I'll just go pick the little guy up on Wednesday and continue the campaign that I started yesterday to either reunite him with his real family or find him a terrific new home.

Sheeshhhhh... some people. I can just *picture* Her fluttering around her cousins trying to take charge of their lives now. lol *rolls eyes, takes sigh of relief*

Oh... and did I mention... She was also planning on doing a monthly pot luck here? Girl stuff where we all get together. "Yay! Cool," I thought... I need girl stuff. Until I found the topic of the potluck was ME... giving advice and helping others set goals.

*double eye roll and pulls my covers back over my head... I'm going back to bed... lol*

Too tired to tell all... but...

Here are pictures of the little dog I found. I'm not sure he's truly a Jack Russell. Someone said he looked like a Rat Terrier. Me? I've totally no clue. The only thing I know is that the person that took charge of him and started acting like she rescued him has a family crisis going on and the little guy is stranded to the mercies of the pound now. The clock is ticking on his expiration date.

Sooo... I did what I would have done in the first place. (before the person with control issues took over and started acting like she rescued/found the little guy.. lol) I called the local paper and put an ad in the FOUND section and printed up some flyers with pictures of the little guy to spread around town.

If his real family doesn't claim him by Wednesday they were going to send him to another county. The control issue person thought would be a good idea... except for the contradictive issue I learned today. This particular county doesn't/hasn't been taking small terrier type dogs for the last year. They recently refused one less than a week ago. Also, this takes the little dog THAT much further from any chances of reuniting him with his real family. I'm not sure I'd give the little terrier's family 2 thumbs up, but he was well fed and he misses them. Who knows? His family could have been on vacation. I totally can't believe how quickly the pound gets rid of dogs.

FIVE DAYS. That's it!

Scary thought, that FIVE DAYS before *offing* them, is. I know this has to be a hard job... I couldn't handle putting pets down like that.

If Molly had ever been scared or gotten away from her dog sitter while I was gone on one of my trips and she ended up in the hands of the dog pound, she could have been put down before I ever got home! Just the thought of that makes me shiver as badly as that poor little terrier was when I found him! My kids are ALL going to get chips put in them as soon as I finish looking into some more info. (I don't make Kitty wear a collar, so that's a problem). I never want to risk one of my dogs ending up at the pound. I've never lost a dog and don't even want to think about it.... it would be too upsetting.

In the meantime, if no one claims this little guy by Wednesday, I'm going to foster him until either his real family claims him or I find him a worthy home. It shouldn't be too hard. (I hope) I'll just take him to puppy class with Galen, someone will fall in love with him. I also have a couple pet store connections I'll use to help either find his real family or a new home for him. *sighs* It has to be done, but I sure could have used one less thing on my plate.

Thursday, July 06, 2006


Earlier this evening, while out walking my 4 legged kids, we came across the tiny brown and white head of a little Jack Russell Terrier, peeking out from his hiding spot in a big patch of crawling dark green ivy. His little body was pushed up as close to the back wall as he could get it, trembling in total fear. Since we walk this path often, I'm pretty sure he's not a neighbor's little Terrier.

I couldn't get him to budge from his hiding place and didn't want to get too close while my 4 legged kids were with me, being unsure if this little guy had his shots or would be aggressive if he felt too threatened, so I ran my kids home and quickly grabbed 2 bowls. One for water, the other for food, threw the leash over my shoulder and ran back to see to the frightened little guy hiding in the ivy.

When I got back, Sister Mary Theresa, who's back patio faces the patch of ivy the little guy was hiding in, had gotten out her garden hose and was spraying water on him. *frowns*

Yes, I could have bonked her on the head. She said he looked hot and she was trying to give him some water.

Uh huh.

God bless the Sister. Even though she has the cutest little Yorkie, she's not really a lick of animal sense.

After much caution and wayyy too much time, whispering soft words of comfort and gently stroking him, I was finally able to coax the little Jack Terrier out of his hiding space. I wrapped him up in an old beach towel, hugged him tightly to me so as to stop his fear shiver, and went to see if the manager recognized him or knew who he belonged to.

Of course, she didn't, but wasn't surprised that I had found a lost, abandoned or abused animal. She thinks they all just come to me like magic. *sighs*

A friend of her's helped me get the little guy in a crate and the friend's boyfriend took the worry from me about having to make a decision on what to do with the little guy, thank gosh. I didn't want to bring him into my home because he was coated with fleas and I was being bitten just from holding him. The boyfriend thought it would be safest to crate him and take him to the shelter in the morning. Said he knew people that worked there and he'd be well taken care of while his owner was hopefully found.

I'm thinking two thumbs down for the owner. The little guy was in tough shape. I'm not sure he could get this bad just being lost for one night. But the telling sign was that he appeared to be one to 2 years old and wasn't fixed. He also wasn't show quality, so there was no excuse for it. Who ever owned him wasn't on the "Smart Pet Owner of America" list.

So, my kids are misbehaving tonight because we have a stranger crated in our front yard. And me? I've been out to check on him a dozen times.

I'm just heart broken for the poor little guy, he so frightened. I want to take his fear away and I'm worried what the outcome of his life will be.... *sighs*

Wednesday, July 05, 2006

Since it feels like Monday...

It feels more like Monday than Wednesday to me... but, I'm blonde like that.
So, here's a laugh for my Monday that isn't. *grins*

Richard Simmons Who's Line is it Anyway

I borrowed it from Kara. (*grins* thanks!)

Sunsational News...

A week ago, Saturday, while clearing out the list of *favorites* on my computer, I came across a link for Sunsational Tans. The former hot spot I used to get airbrushed tans at. The place I was boycotting because they wouldn't honor tans I had left from last year, thus wasting my hard earned money.

Before I deleted the link, I spied an email address, so... since they'd not returned one of the 3 phone calls I'd made, and I wasn't in the greatest of moods (largely due to a side affect from the car accident and having an overload of physical pain), I flung off an email letting them know I was totally unhappy with their company wasting my money and not honoring the tans from last year, nor informing clients when they sign up that this is their policy. I also mentioned reporting them to the better business bureau and included my blog story. *straight faced blonde look*

Well... much to my surprise, I got a phone call the VERY next day! They didn't return three phone messages, but hopped right on the email!

Color me pink...I was shocked!

Susan called me and she was so very sweet and totally apologetic about the whole deal. (and I don't mean that phony sugary kind of sweet. She was honestly sincere.) Although it appears to be a mystery why no one returned any of my phone messages, they are in fact, trying to make it right now, and are going to honor my tans from last year!

Whooo Hooooo!! Font Rules!! *grins*

I actually had 3 tans left (not 4 as I'd mentioned prior to this.) Susan tells me that they'd be happy to give me one free tan for my inconvenience and trouble, which is nice. Especially since I have a cupboard full of Salon Bronze now. No worries, though. I'll use both.

Being a Sun Goddess without the sun is hard work! *sighs*

I do want to say Two Thumbs Up to Steve and Susan for making a wrong a right. They Do care about their business and how they are reflected in their community. I didn't delete their link after all and I'm going to give them a second chance this afternoon. Everyone deserves another chance when they're honestly willing to make their wrongs a right! *smiles*

I sooo need to be tan!

Tuesday, July 04, 2006

Happy and Safe Fourth of July to Everyone!!

Aren't these the yummiest colors? And... why do bra companies make one bra style that fits perfectly and the rest are all a mystery? *frowns* Posted by Picasa

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My pots gone bad and ferns potted.

(The little angel is not my style nor my thing.... it belonged to Jo, a close friend/mom I lost in January. She had it sitting above her kitchen sink. I miss her. I miss her more than you can know. When we were clearing everything out for her estate sale, no one took the angel and I couldn't leave it. I'd stood in front of Jo's sink and washed too many dishes with that little angle watching over me to let it go into the hands of a stranger.)
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Molly walking Galen. Posted by Picasa

Meet Molly the Wonder Dog...
Poor Molly is having such a hard time with the jealous bug since I brought Galen, The Future Man Eating Puppy, home, I thought maybe some time on the press would help make her feel better.

She's 12 years old now... and I'm grateful for everyday that I have her. We've been through a lot together.

During the first years of her life, she spent most of her time wanting to be a poodle. In 2001 we moved from the house to a condo type apartment and she immediately realized that a poodle was just fodder for her dreams and began the saga of her journey to become a small child.

She goes everywhere with me... and I do mean EveryWhere! She's very well traveled and very well behaved. I don't even need a leash to walk her. She doesn't run off and always obeys. Just don't try and pet her. She's very picky about that, and no offense, but lets few others touch her other than myself. Very much a one person dog.

She's one of the smartest dogs I've ever owned and was the easiest to train. She listens like a person and hears me, now that she's older, much like a child (when she wants to), but catches on quicker. lol

She only barks when someone rings the doorbell or knocks on the door and she's Never Once made a mess in the house. Not once. Well, except for the time she threw up... but that's another story. (the $278 Thanksgiving Turkey (the vet bill was $278) - turkey wings are not meant for dogs to eat - she regretted her sneaking 5 minutes after it happened and she got the tummy ache from hell. So unlike her to sneak, but even good children screw up sometimes.)

BTW... did I mention she's a Great fly catcher?? I never worry about flies in the summer. She may not see well, but she can still catch her flies. Just try and avoid kisses immediately after! ewwwww

Monday, July 03, 2006

She put me in the kitchen, all by myself.


I wasn't bad. Posted by Picasa

Although this picture is blurry and it's a bit hard to tell, this is what's left of Galen's ball.

Galen, The Future Man Eating Puppy, crumbled it to bits! I'm hoping not too much was actually eaten.

Lordy I hope he doesn't get constipated.

Are all puppy balls made this... poorly?

Pot painting gone bad.


I am sooo out of practice.

I should have left the rims alone, done them differently or not brought in the yellow, but there was too much blue for the ferns they were going to give a home to.

They needed something extra.

The vision of the *extra* I had in my head, though, would have taken wayyyy too much time and time was up. I couldn't mess with them any longer.

They definitely need more work. The ferns, however, couldn't wait any longer to be transplanted, soooo..... I'll have to spruce the pots up later. dangit. I just hate it when I screw up. Posted by Picasa


We didn't go to the Zoo last Friday. It wasn't even on a Friday. *rolls eyes at self*

I'm so blonde!!

Saturday, July 01, 2006

Last Friday I took a friend's adorable daughters, who live in Alaska and were in town visiting, to the Zoo. (a girls day out while their dad was at work)

It was a great day, although a little toasty hot. Mostly it was a lot of fun spoiling the girls, they're truly great kids.

However, the next time I give my friend (their father) a hug and he cops a feel HE is going to have to explain to his beautiful daughters why daddy no longer has a hand. (he is *SO* just like his father.) lol

On a blonde side note. NONE of the pictures I took turned out well. Neither had the other outdoor pictures I'd recently taken. All of the flower and shade pictures were cool. All of the outdoor, sunny pictures were horrible! I was so baffled, thinking I needed a new camera.

As I was discussing my frustration about the situation with a friend, he said "is it on auto?" "yes, I said.. it's always on Auto," knowing I hadn't moved it.

Well, guess what? It wasn't on auto! It was on some letter that I have no clue what it means!

Some damn troll jumped into my camera bag and bumped it, moved it... or something.
And me?
With the fuzzy bad air eye syndrome... I didn't even LOOK! *rolls eyes at self*


One day I really need to .... read the little instruction book.
I only breezed through on the blonde version.

*straight faced look, blink, blink*