Blonde By Design

Tuesday, July 25, 2006

I worry...

I worry that, with all the terror, destruction and war going on in the Middle East, how will all of the victims of Katrina ever be taken care of in a swift and timely process the way they deserve?

I worry that all of our involvement and efforts in Third World Countries keep us blind to the problems and issues we have here ... of American's living like they were in a Third World Country.

We need bigger eyes... we need more peace ...


  • I worry that there is too much worry in this world.
    There has always been a war somewhere at any given time, or major catastrophe. The media has it down to a science, they know how to push our buttons.

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 1:21 PM  

  • I was aware of the media hype long ago, Brian. The rest of what I didn't know about the media I learned from a very wise man a couple of years ago. I also understand that you truly don't know me that well, so no worries. *smiles* My worry stems from the son's and daughter's of people I love fighting in Iraq, and client's who's lives are STILL not put back together after Katrina. And, Brian, hon... I totally don't buy into the "there has always been a war or catastrophe," stuff...

    We need bigger eyes... We need to have more peace.

    By Blogger Sprite, at 9:56 PM  

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