Blonde By Design

Wednesday, July 12, 2006

Life finds me a bit exhausted at the moment. It's been a jam packed busy... forever, it seems.

So, Highlights of the day are:

A visit to the Nail Nazi. I just love that girl!

OPI nail color "The Life Guard Makes Me Blush"

My new Victoria Secrets flip flops were not only wayyyy fun, but wayyy comfortable and earned a ton of compliments. Everyone was shocked when I told them I got them on sale. $15.00

I sooo love getting a good deal!

The Victoria Secrets racerback bra dress I ordered to match my flip flops, however, is a dud! It fits everywhere except the armpits!

Now what's up with that?

It's like the dress was either made for a triple D cup... or a lady with boobs under her arm pits. Strange stuff. The other two dresses I ordered from VS fit perfectly. This one fits like it needs an alien to occupy the premise.. either that or to invest in... bigger cantaloupes. Much bigger. Fortunately I found a little blue and green sundress in my closet from last year and it said, "Yes, I'll match your new shoes." And then, off we were to look cute and pretend we weren't tired because we were up at the crack of dawn to see about Jack.

Jack the Russell Terrier has been adopted and is spending his first night in his new home. I'm sure the animal shelter thinks I'm a cross between the Dragon Lady and Little Bo Peep. And I care not. A few of the people out there ... gave me the creeps. The "look under your bed before you go to sleep," kind of creeps. "lions and tigers and bears... oh myy"

Verizon finally took care of my phone. Actually they gave me a new one. *rolls eyes* The warranty on the phone ends in August. I wonder if that stands with the new phone as well? I checked out the Blackberry while I was there, but there wasn't anyone present that could answer any of my questions about it. That's nice. lol.

Originally, when a friend brought up the Blackberry I was totally against the idea of being able to get emails on my phone. But, I wonder if you can't program which ones you get and which ones you don't? (I get a plethora of "solve my life" emails, some from people I don't even know, that I'd prefer to not follow me from computer to phone) Plus, I'm looking into making some other changes, so.... the Blackberry may be an option... the jury is still out on it, though. (the jury is so fun. *grins*)

And... to top my day off, my headset went out on me while I was away from home, so I couldn't work. But, I had cute shoes, so I was cool with it. *laughs at self* Actually, I just told myself to *chill* and taking a little more time off wouldn't kill me. And look! I'm not dead yet! *grins n winks*

Ok, off to bed for me. I have to be up at the crack of dawn again in the morning. This time, not to save a puppy. I have to dance with the doctor and do one of those adult things. You know, the physical exam, put your feet in the stirrups, let me hook you up to these wires and monitor your heart while you walk fast, kind of things.

Lucky me. lol.

I don't know why I have to do it. Everyone knows I'm not an adult. *frowns*
I just hate it when I'm so practical. lol

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  • Sprite,
    First of all, I am so pleased that Jack has a new hone, and thanks to you for all your hard work and caring for that poor little guy. You are the best!
    Secondly, thank you for the update of your flip flops and wardrobe. You are stunning!
    Thirdly (is that a real word?), Good luck dancing with the doc. Let him lead, ok? (provided that he IS a "he".

    By Blogger Paul, at 6:20 AM  

  • Well, Jack got lucky and got a new home...I sure am happy to hear that as he is a sweetie...

    I, too, have a love/hate relationship with the pound - and I want to make them all no-kill is for sure that I could never volunteer at one...we would have all the "babies" at our house... :)

    Remember - you only have to "be grown up" for a few hours at the Dr's place...and, it will be worth it...

    By Blogger Sara, at 6:46 AM  

  • Paul.... First: You totally make me grin. Jack would have loved to live with you. I just know he would have. *grins*
    Second: Paul, we both know you truly don't give two hoots about what I'm wearing. *giggles* I did see a wayyyy hot dude at the grocery store that we'd probably fight over, though. *innocent blonde look n grins* and Thirdly: (it's a blonde word) Thanks for the luck. Next time, how about I volunteer *you* for the stirrups. lol Anybody but me in them would seem like luck to me! lol

    Sara... Yes, Jack got lucky. The pound really took care of most of it. I just ran all over town posting his picture up in all the high traffic areas I could find. Apparently some nice man saw his picture and went to check him out. The animal shelter was way weird about it, but... hey.. *shrugs*. I went out first thing that morning to make sure they didn't ship Jack off to another county. Strange people, those pound people are. Thanks for the dr's office tip. The whole adult thing is highly over rated! *hugs*

    By Blogger Sprite, at 3:14 AM  

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