Today's tee shirt.
Today's compliment: I was called a jogger. Yay! Love it. I sooo miss running. I don't run, but I do walk really fast. (had to give up jogging as result of a car accident years ago) Was also told several times today what a Saint I was for trying to save the little Jack Russell Terrier I found. (that's not being a Saint... it's just caring about something other than myself) Oh... and there was one whoo hoo and and two yeah baby's. lol (*rolls eyes and grins*)
Today's mishap: Almost bitten by a little Toto type dog on way home from walk and computer had a fur ball while trying to download pictures (time to take the tower to see the wizard men in tee shirts and polyester... loveeeee my computer guys.
In one word~~~> TrustWorthy!!)
Today's hassle: The dog pound is Such a drag and a certain car dealership needs to, like, coool their jets. I'll let them know when *I'm* ready, and my cell phone is giving me a PITA. (and not anything remotely resembling the good kind! lol)
Today's gratitude: My dad came home from the hospital, I had a great day at work (I LOVE my job! Helping people heal Rocks! Being good at what I do and paid well Rocks even more!), also got more done in the saga of "catching up what's behind."
Today's worry: Not so good of news about an old friend and neighbor, my dad's clock is ticking and he's slipping away, and trying to avoid making another trip to Mexico right away (of which I think I'm going to succeed in doing. Yay! Me! *grins*)
Today's Highlight: That so many businesses let me post signs about the little Jack Russell, who's family I'm trying to find, when they normally wouldn't let anyone post signs on their property. I tried to find all high traffic areas so that the signs would be visible. Heck, even Costco put up a sign!
Ok, that's all from blondville. Nighters all. *big hugs*

I can see why! ever see the movie "Click".
That doggie sure is a cute thing, you sure seem to find those stray's, or they seem to find you.
Excitement surely surrounds you
Anonymous, at 10:57 AM
You are amazing! I'm exhausted just reading about all this. And I hope dad is ok. I'll keep you both in my thoughts!
Paul, at 4:43 PM
I'm with Pauly..it's a challenge when our parents are aging..we of course stay the same age, right?
Ann, at 8:04 PM
Brian... it's never a dull moment around here. But then, (*blonde pause*) I can't remember when I've ever had a dull moment in my life. *grins* Click, huh? Is that the Jim Carey movie? I've think I've seen the previews. lol I'll have to go see it!
Paul... thanks, hon. *Hugs* Really, I'm not that amazing... but don't tell anyone, I like to fool the world. *winks n grins*
Ann... my parents have been a challenge since I was a child. lol It was... interesting growing up and being more mature than the adults in the house. *giggles* Age?? We're supposed to age? Waaaait a minute. NO one told me about that part! lol
Sprite, at 2:51 AM
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