So, what color do you think I should get this vehicle in? Silver metallic, Black, or Pearl White? I'm undecided. I have decided on the 2WD (better gas mileage) and absolutely want leather interior instead of the cloth.
I looked at a Savanna metallic (goldish) Unlimted V6 Rav4 on Friday that was everything I wanted except the color. Well, and the price, too. I'd like it to cost a lot less. Or for them to make me a super great deal. lol Ok, I want the vehicle for $18, 000.
*straight face look*
That's only close to $10,000 off it's asking price.
*serious blonde look*
It can happen. Maybe only in my dreams, but it can happen.
There's one up in Sunny someplace I might run up and look at Tuesday. I hate to buy a new vehicle, because they depreciate so quickly... but, it's not like I'm going to trade it in any time soon. I need a bigger vehicle for the Ark Family and the Rav4 has the room I want plus the gas mileage I like. The other SUV models that get good/decent gas mileage don't have the room the Rav4 does, so it's still holding the, "I want this SUV" spot in my brain. I'm going to check out the Ford hybrid, but I think the Rav4 may still have more room. I do know I'm not crazy about the whole gymnastics act one needs to do to fold down the back seats on the Ford.
Decisions, decisions, decisions.
On another note. Mopping the kitchen floor since we inherited Galen, The Future Man-Eating Puppy, has become a full time job. And omg... where and when did that wax build up happen? I've spent wayyyy more time than I ever want to admit scrubbing and stripping and scrubbing the hell out of and stripping again, all that yucky old wax off what is all ready a very unattractive kitchen floor. (now you tell me.... WHY would they put something so ugly and... cheap in what they call luxury apartment/condos???)
Does anyone know of any product or trick to take old wax buildup easily off your floors? I've still the dining area to do and my shoulder totally isn't liking this slave labor. I only look good in a French maid costume.... not actually doing the job!!! (looks quickly to check nails for any flaws) *laughs at self*
Oh! And after all that scrubbing and mopping, how long do you think it took before Galen decided he needed to relieve himself, didn't ask to go out and MISSED the potty pad? The angel puppy that asked to go outside ALL day took less than 5 minutes to put his mark on my clean floor!!! *rolls eyes in wonder*
**edited note: It's not a Unlimited Rav4 that I want. *grins* It's LIMITED! *laughs at self then giggles some more* That's what I get for late night writing... and besides, when I'm tired the dyslexia kicks in... I'm just blonde like that.
And, that would be par for the course...the same reason the cat doesn't have to pee until you are in the middle of changing his litter box - then he has to jump into the new litter.
We live the SUV we have - it is a Santa Fe by Hyundai. They have a 10 year warranty...and I think it is pretty roomy...and the price is great...
Sara, at 7:14 AM
Well, you'd think I could spell...it is we LOVE the SUV...duh
Sara, at 7:16 AM
The place, could it be Sunnyvale?
If you can find one with only 3000 to 4000 miles on it, you can pick it up for $18000- easy!
Good luck with your search and if you pick Black, be prepared to wash it at least twice a week
Anonymous, at 10:00 AM
Brian... they only have one with what I want. A Pearl White with leather interior. I can get it for less... if I wanted cloth interior and no options. lol If you know some magic secret to get the 2006 Limited with options, then please, do share! *grins*
Sprite, at 12:20 PM
Sara... Kitty does the same thing to me! He's very spoiled and lets me know if I don't change his litter box often enough. I really like the looks of the Santa Fe, Sara... but I didn't go look at them. They didn't qualify for my search because their gas mileage was too low. I love the Honda Pilot, too. Same thing. I want that 30 mpg. *sighs* Translated, as is, that only means 28 mpg.
Sprite, at 12:33 PM
Ok, so the Black has to be washed twice a week and the Pearl White shows every spec of dirt?? Geshhh. I either need a cabana boy, a personal car washer, or.. someone that really likes me a lot. *grins*
Sprite, at 1:09 PM
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