Blonde By Design

Thursday, September 28, 2006

I am....

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I am ...
beat ...
wiped out ...
shaky ...
worn out to my very
blonde bones.

I over did it, I pushed too hard, I tried to make up for too much lost time from work while I was in Montana without connections. I didn't allow myself enough rest time yesterday/last night.

I tried to be a Super Sized Sprite instead of my normal size two.

I woke up to catch my flight to Florida.

I felt weak.

I passed out.

... and then ... by the time I recovered ... it was too late to catch my flight, which required a 3 hour drive to get to the airport.

(next time I'm going to be a smarter blonde girl and get a hotel room in the area for the night before)

I'd be more mad at myself (I know ... my grammar ... but my brain is MIA at the moment and the rest of me is over tired and shaky from ... forgetting to eat) if it weren't for the simple fact that my getting out and exploring the world with more consistency the way I have these past several months is a part of the miracle of my life. Of the recovery of my life. It's a beginning I plan to see succeed.

I have to look at the positive, because the negative will only defeat progress of my future goals ... and I choose to only succeed.

It's so important to look within and put your focus on what you *can,* do not what you can't do! Negative thinking only leads to more negative thinking and there is never any victory in anything negative. It'll only wear out your brain.

More Montana and the Florida mis-adventure, the rude United Customer Service rep that now has a note in his files, the six hours of back and forth phone calls to get a new reservation made and United's apology after I get some serious rest. Can you believe after ALL THAT my work night ended with a client I had previously blocked for harassment somehow getting through to me JUST to be rude and harass me AGAIN?


I need to have a long term engagement with my bed.

Nighters all.


So many forms of beauty

To me, the rolling hills and wide open spaces ring of freedom - independence.

I'll have to finish this later though - I'm on my way to Florida and I haven't finished with Montana... lol... and I have to finish packing. But my friend tells me I'll only need to bring enough clothes to be naked. lol Apparently the weather is really WARM with humidity.

I'll finish Montana and add Florida - later. *hugs* Posted by Picasa

The never ending road to home...

This is between Helena and Great Falls, MT. One of my favorite roads in Montana. By the time I got to Helena I was feeling just a wee bit narcoleptic and needed food. I was determined to make it home by the end of the night and had 4 more hours of driving in front of me. All thought it may sound a bit bazaar, I like driving the different weather conditions. They're fun- they exhilarate me! But, that's probably left over heritage from growing up on half a year with black ice.. LOL

I stopped in Helena long enough to get food, unload and load the Ark kids for potty breaks. I'm thinking I was pretty much as close to a Zombie as a girl could get without actually getting the job. Despite that, all in all is good. I enjoy the winding roads, scenery and the trip down memory lane. When I lived in Montana I had lived in Helena, South Havre, Billings, Great Falls, Kremlin, and seems like some where else, but I'm not thinking of it at the moment. LOL
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Wednesday, September 27, 2006

Entering the Heart of Montana...

Although I grew up in a small town in Montana, I don't come back often.

I chose not to ride the family crest. Not if it meant living with the issues and manipulation that surrounded me while growing up. I learned to love my family for who they were and set healthy boundaries at the same time. Some times, the ones you have to protect yourself from are the ones you were supposed to be able to trust.

No pity, please - it's ok.

The hard family lessons I experienced growing up and for some years after gave me a better understanding in life, and in the end they've helped me to become a wiser, stronger person, able to touch life in all ways loving and kind.

I don't regret who I am and know I am far better off despite the difficult life lessons, than some members of my family will ever be ... or even others I know.

(but then... I also believe ANYONE can change - how you choose to mentally live your life is a choice! Choose Wisely! Happiness ROCKS!!!)

As you might suspect, any trip to Montana can bring out a plethora of emotions within me. Some good, some very good - some - not so good. But as all things, I run from nothing, and look at it all with an open mind, open heart, and most importantly - open eyes, even when my glasses like rose colors.

The entry into Montana, although I rarely confess it, fills me with this deep almost romantic pride. "This is My State .... I Know this ground .... I once belonged here .... home..."

When I look at Montana, it's mountains, rolling hills and wide open prairie spaces I always feel like John Wayne will come riding over the edge of a hill at any moment, or a band of wild ponies with painted Indians chasing them will speed by, kicking up the summer dust.

Mostly, though, it's me... feeling that strong pull to horse flesh and my love of riding that kept me sane while growing up. Wind blowing through my hair while the entire rest of my life is blocked out and I am caught up in a ballet of motion between my horse and myself.

I may not have mentioned it, but I have an excellent seat in the saddle - or I used to. I'm not sure how good I'd be now... but I was a finished Grand Champion locally - 4 times over. I was good. I was hungry for more... but I had to leave.

Home, but not home.

I left my parents home when I was 17 and kept moving forward, although, I have to say it took the next 10 years to really make any progress with my tormented blonde head and have some ground breaking, "Oh yeah! THIS is how to Live and how NOT TO LIVE" moments.
(and yes - of course I graduated high school., went to college with honors, basketball and science scholarships - I just chose to not live in my parents home any longer while I was finishing high school. It was a good choice. The negativity was killing me.)

I consider myself blessed. I've so much ... so many things to be grateful for, despite any hardship or difficulties I've walked through. It's always best, I've learned when life deals you lemons, make lemonade. I became very good at squeezing lemons. Even perfected the recipe. lol

Returning to Montana always makes me think .... remember a girl of long ago ... a time that no longer exists ... the feeling of being lost - before I learned how to find myself.



The well of emotions.

What will it be like this time? Will there be any fights? Will everyone get along? Will I ever really have a family?


And so it goes ... but I am in a peaceful place as the questions and thoughts float through me. They can never hurt me again like has happened in the past.

I'm wiser.

I won't allow it.

(and no - the rest of my Montana posts won't be so - melodramatic. lol It was honest emotion and I was just sharing the moment.. I don't live nor dwell in anything negative, it's bad for my complexion.. *smiles*)

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Tuesday, September 26, 2006

Smokey the Bear Must be MAD as H%LL

The Closer I got to Montana, the more a grayish smothering fog mixed in with the over weight, billowing clouds that were threatening to spit out more rain, but not quite making it.

The entry to Montana always makes me think, "Ya know, this really is a beautiful state," and I totally missed the "WELCOME TO MONTANA" road sign this time.


I'm not sure if I blinked or was just blonde. Or ... if something happened to it.

The first part of the state was smothered with SMOKE which isn't exactly on the *Top Ten Fun Things* for a girl who is allergic to smoke! ackkkkk!!!!

I stopped in Dillon, Montana to freshen myself up with a nice chocolatey cappuccino that's neither on my medical diet nor that I should be drinking , but.. hell.. I want to anyway... and it's CHILLY outside! Now THAT'S a Prime Time Excuse - and I'm *buying it!*

Ok... actually *I* didn't buy the cappuccino.

Some nice man in line behind me bought it while I was asking questions about the air quality and, btw... could I get directions to the nearest drugstore. (I was having a hard time breathing and needed to pick up some allergy pills)

*blonde grins*

No one mentioned fires and SMOKE to me when I was getting ready to leave on this trip.

Dillon, MT is where I found out that the SMOKE had drifted in from forest fires near or around the area. Not sure which forest or where - no one said and I forgot to check into it.

The further North I drove, the more I left the SMOKE behind me. THANK God! (really, I mean that! THANK YOU GOD!)

*sigh of relief*

I swear, if I hadn't been surrounded by mountains, rolling hills and clean country side, I would have thought I was still at home choking on our crummy air - or worse - in LA.

The above pictures are getting close to the Montana border... and show the SMOKE Smog that dared enter my former home state while I was visitng.

I'm having a discussion with Smokey the Bear later. He has some explaining to do!

How dare they have a forest fire when I'm coming home! lol

*rolls eyes at self, frowns at Smokey*

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Monday, September 25, 2006

I should mention...

I should take a moment to mention (if I haven't before) that ALL the scenic photos that I've been showing you were, taken from a moving vehicle, the girlygirl SUV, while I was driving.


So.. they're not exactly the BEST photo's ... but they give you a general idea of where I was and what I was seeing road side as I was driving by.

There were probably a dozen times or more I wished I'd had more time so I could stop and take a really cool picture... but.. I'm a creative multi-tasker, so I made do. *smiles*

You think they like Budweiser???

On the way home I as able to capture this shot of a grainery on the planes of Idaho, somewhereville. (note - clear blue sky *laughs* - no rain! That's because I'm on my way home!!!) Posted by Picasa

Pocatello or BUST

Ya, know... if ya say that really slow, it almost sounds nasty.. lol

However, the only nasty thing I had to deal with was staying awake LONG enough to get to Pocatello, Idaho. Earlier in the evening I'd originally planned on staying in Twin Falls, Idaho and even phoned my oldest sister (who's now speaking to me after a 6 month hiatus - *smiles at the reason why... I still LOVE my sister*) and had her google for PET FRIENDLY Hotels in Twin Falls.

Luckily there were several, because it's getting late and I'm was way due to get out from behind the wheel and spend some time NOT driving. *tired smiles*

Unluckily, there was not ONE Pet Friendly room available in ALL of Twin Falls - except for in a Motel that I wouldn't dream of myself OR the Ark Kids staying in. We don't do fleas!!

Apparently I'd happened upon Twin Falls during a rare convention, out of town travelers and construction workers. No one was quite sure why every hotel in town was full - it never usually happened that way (their words, not mine). *laughs*

The Twin Falls Red Lion Inn was really nice - and I suspect felt a little sorry for me - and phoned their closest location to see if they had any Pet Friendly rooms left. Everything else within a 50 mile radius was full!!


The other Red Lion had room!

Yes, they'll hold a room for me.

It's kind of a good news, bad news sort of deal though. It's 9:45 pm and I've got a 3 hour drive in front of me to get to Pocatello before I can rest for the night AND I need to stop and get something - anything - to eat. I'm starving!!

Ummm... and did I mention, night driving's not my best gig? I get halo reflections from oncoming headlights. *sighs* (it happened after my eye surgeries in 2002 - I was basically almost legally blind before then, and had cataract surgery which helped immensely, except for halos with night driving. And YES, I know I had surgery done at an early age (45). TRUST ME.. I've SOOOO heard that one a dozen times. People forget... I almost died, too!)

Ok... off the pity and back to good news.

With the girly-girl SUV I sit up high enough in traffic that I'm really not having a really hard time with the halo affect in oncoming traffic. Coool! Night driving, though not perfect, has never been easier since the eye surgery!! The other thing I have going for me is that my headlights ROCK!

They light up everything!!

I think my dims must be close to a regular car's bright, because oncoming traffic keeps flicking their lights at me like I've left my lights on bright. Sorry guys...

Long story short it was 4 a.m. before I got to bed that night. By the time I got all the Ark Kids settled in, exercised, and fed, and then pulled up work on my laptop. There were problems with the hotel's wireless connection and I had to call tech support for their service and subject my tired self to a really rude, probably squinty eyed, 4 ft. tall mean dwarf. I bet he even had rotten buck teeth.

Oh ... did I mention that, during the entire trip, where ever I had cell reception I was also working and dealing with clients?? *big grins* I love my job - I'm still the only girl I know that can work while she shops. *blue eyed innocent look*

Fortunately for me, it decided to hold off on torrential rain until I was on the road the next morning - which was really closer to noon but around eleven. (well, I did need some rest!)

I only had one strange encounter in Pocatello. An over friendly biker dude, who was actually a businessman in disguise, letting his wild side out on a Harley road trip. Nice looking dude. I still kept my distance. lol

(Yes, Paul, you would have liked this one. *grins*)

But, I can't help but wonder... what do those Harley dudes do with all those hummingbird size suicide bomber bugs that head straight for the windshield? Do they eat them?

I did see one wayyy scary looking biker dude on the way home. Looked like he was trying out for a part in Pulp Fiction. The all leather, including the mask part. Granted, I could totally see the need of that outfit, with the road bugs and all... but I still gave him a really, really w-i-d-e berth!

Idaho - it's not just about the potatoes

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I had rain off and on going through Idaho on the way up (lots of sun on the way back home).

The rain wasn't bad, though. Just enough to keep the suicide bomber bugs from taking their lives on my pristine windshield. (lordy I hate bug guts)

Sunday, September 24, 2006

I suspect THIS is why I got lost... (the first time)

The artistic side of me was so fascinated with -- what IS that? Tree's? HUGE sagebrush?? Shrubbery?

Then, there were more heaps of sculpted rock and mountain to take pictures of for Sara, because she said she'd never been to Nevada.

*quiet look*

I'm really gonna feel blonder if I got the state wrong.

So, when I missed my turn in Wells, I kinda, sorta didn't notice for a while.

Like a while until I was half way to UTAH!

I wasn't exactly watching - the road side of the road.

*blonde grins*

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Next Stop, Idaho...

I lost about an hours worth of time taking the accidental scenic drive to Wendover, Utah.

No sense my biotching about it, what's done is done.

For all I know that little scenic route saved me a ticket or two. It's not like I've been driving the speed limit and I've been blessed, kissed and hugged by the Traffic Ticket God's THREE times between Elko and Jackpot, NV - including the scenic route that I didn't mean to take.

The FIRST blessing, the cop pulled out about 100 yards ahead of me to pull over some poor guy he spotted before the girly-girl SUV and I hit his radar. Naturally, the minute I spotted him I hit the brakes ... Very Quickly hit the brakes, I might add! I was pushing 100 mph (opps!) and making up for lost road time when I missed my turnoff and tried to take the Utah scenic route. *rolls eyes at self*

The next TWO ticket-less blessings, I'd come up on the officers just as they'd pulled over their speeding victims. I happened upon them just as they were getting out of their cars to write someone ELSE up. (is that a THANK YOU GOD moment or what???)

Oh yeah, and then there were two other times I accidently happened to be going close to OR near the speed limit. *grins*

I stopped in Jackpot, NV to top off the gas tank (I wanted to make Twin Falls, Idaho for the night without having to stop between here and there) and the cop that was ticketing another car outside of Jackpot pulled into the gas station, obvious that he was checking out the girly-girl and myself as I was filling 'er up.

While I was filling the girly-girl SUV up with gas, the officer pulled his dusty white SUV Cop Car up to the front of the station, got out and casually started visiting with the gas station attendant. It was obvious they knew each other well.

While the girly-girl was filling up with gas, I began the window washing chore thingy. I'd ran into a swarm of suicide bomber bugs the size of hummingbirds that had totally spackled my windshield with bug guts. ewwwww...

Mr. Cop seemed to have ended his conversation with the gas station attendant and is pulling out around me. Since I know I'm not looking model perfect, I figure his veryyyy slow, obvious checking me out, drive by was to make sure I didn't look like a criminal or car thief since the girly-girl doesn't yet have license plates.

I'm a little surprised when Mr. Cop stops, rolls down his window and starts to chat with me.

"So how's that handle? Gas mileage any good?" his head motioning toward the girly-girl, "My Mother-In-Law just got one. You like yours?"

He seems friendly enough and harmless, so I relax and answer, "So far the gas mileage seems ok and it handles well on the road." I'm still thinking this whole conversation is about him making sure everything is up and up with my driving a new vehicle and not having plates. I'm thinking he's sticking around long enough to make sure the tag in my front window is valid.

I'm forgetting to think.

He's a male!


He must have had his curiosity about the girly-girl appeased, because now he's going into idle chit chat.

Ok, I can chit chat.

The tank is full and I've gathered the receipt, the windshield washed, and Mr. Cop is STILL chit chatting with me. Now I stop and look at him. (I hadn't actually given him more than a acknowledging glance so far)


He's not chit chatting... he's forgetting his WIFE is probably holding dinner for him! Didn't he just mention his MOTHER-IN-LAW has a vehicle like mine???

To segue out of our (HIS) conversation - and AWAY from him, I ask Mr. Cop, "How are the roads between here and Twin Falls?"

He grins at me like I've just become desert and answers, "Paved."

Allrighty then.

The cops in Jackpot, NV sure are friendly...

Wow... $10 an hour at McDonald's in Winnemucca

While taking a gas and potty break in Winnemucca, Nevada (BEFORE I got LOST) I noticed this sign painted on the McDonald's window.

Wow! I am ... stunned.

Winnemucca, Nevada, in the middle of dirt, desert, sagebrush, and nowhereville stessed economy pays $10 an hour to serve burgers at McDonald's. Most of the employees were in their late 20's to mid 30's.

No one looked like college or high school students. I noticed none had pimples, either.
(really, I looked...)


Winnemucca also scored the highest price gas of the entire trip. $3.29 a gal.
The average was $2.99 - $3.09.

No wonder Winnemucca pays so much to flip burgers. They have to pay that so their employees can afford to get enough gas to drive to work!

So I got lost... I'm blonde, remember???

While heading North to "Home on the Range, Montana," I kinda, sorta missed the turn at Wells, Nevada and almost ended up in Utah. I'm not exactly sure how I missed the turn, I knew it was coming, but my mom tells me it's an easy turn to miss - I think she was just trying to make me feel better. *smiles*

I kept waiting and waiting for the turn to come up ... and then the roadside scenery started to change and I started to get a little worried. There's no place to turn around and miles and miles of - nothing! Next thing I know I'm looking at a sign that says Wendover - 14 miles, Salt Lake City - WAY TOO CLOSE TO WHERE YOU'RE NOT SUPPOSED TO BE!

Since I'd planned on filling up with gas next in Jackpot, NV I needed to finish the little, *cough, cough*, jaunt to Wendover and get gas. Needless to say, I wasn't quite pleased with myself, especially since it was getting dark and the weather was taking a turn and threatening to rain.

Deep cleansing breathes.

Really, it's ok.

I always didn't wonder what this side of Nevada/Utah looked like.

Both, on the way up AND on the way back I missed turns and almost ended up in Utah.

Not ONCE ... but TWICE!!!

You'd think I was trying to become a Mormon or something - except for I'm too Catholic to be a Mormon, even if I'm only a *jack* Catholic.

Saturday, September 23, 2006

Nevada - Not Pretty, But Majestic in a Strong Silent Way

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Getting through Nevada is miles and miles of strong resilent land that forces it's way into thriving and existing. A strong silent energy that won't be ignored nor hesitate to punish anyone that doesn't respect the distance between resting spots.

There is beauty in it's barren existance. There is strength in it's people that flourish in this rugged land.

Nevada - Roadside View I-80 East

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Nevada through my car window I-80 East

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First Stop - Reno

In past experiences, it normally only take about 4 hours to get from *Where I Live*, Ca. to Reno. Maybe 4 1/2. I'd have liked to have gotten further on the first night of my Montana Road Trip.

It was bad enough that I had a late start and so many interruptions that you'd think the way out there outer world of crystal ball messages was telling me to not go on this trip. (and maybe I shouldn't have... but I was trying to be a good daughter. *laughs n sighs*)

Delays on this day included but didn't end with a call from a Toyota man who simply couldn't seem to *hear* that NOW was not a good time, I was trying to leave for a trip. An hour an a half later he apologizes and tells me to have a good trip. *groans and smacks the brainless wonder* (fortunately for me, the Toyota man was the last delay of the day - I would have probably had to shoot one more person that couldn't absorb the fact that NOW was not the time .. lol)

Finally, having reindeer and sleigh securely attached to the roof rack, dogs, cats, luggage and the kitchen sink loaded, I have one more stop to make and then were OFF and Running.... yay!!

The crate of peaches I'd picked up for my Mom on Sunday had all ready started to turn and were attracting WAY too many fruit flies to even consider loading them up in the girly-girl SUV for a road trip. A girlfriend of mine gladly took them off my hands, labeling them her husband's peach cobbler for dinner, and I hurried back to the fruit stand to pick up another crate of FRESH peaches.

So, everything's set. New crate of FRESH peaches loaded... We're off.

It's also 4 in the afternoon and now we have to contend with traffic that wouldn't have been there had I just ignored the million and one delays. *shakes head at self*

Ok, so... some of them really couldn't have been ignored, but I can pretend.

SIX hours later, it's 10 p.m. and I've only made it to Reno. Traffic sucked. No - it was worse. lol But, really, I didn't care, I was just glad to be on my way.

Luck was with me and the very first hotel I stopped at was pet friendly AND it had an elevator. *whew* Carrying Galen's (the puppy - the 5 1/2. mo. 55 lb puppy) crate up and down stairs really didn't seem appealing, but knowing Galen is a chewer and that I'll want a 3 hour shower, I'm not about to leave him in a hotel room unattended.

Everyone faired well on our first stop, Except my Mom's peaches. It was pretty warm the night we arrived at Reno and I didn't want to risk this fresh crate spoiling so quickly the way the other batch of peaches had. Trying to save making a million trips back and forth to the SUV while unloading for the night's stay, I set the crate of peaches on top of the ice chest which has a pull handle and travel wheels for easy transporting.

So there I am, Galen, the 55 lb puppy on his lunge line in one hand, pulling the ice chest with crate of peaches on top with the other hand.

I feel a tug on Galen's lunge line, glance up at him ... and I'm not quite sure what happened, but the next thing I know, dozens of brightly colored peachy looking orange balls are rolling across the dark black parking lot pavement. They're scattered everywhere. Rolling across the pavement like they've got some escape route in mind. And a car is coming.

*quiet blonde look*

I give Galen a quick tug to check him in line and quickly start to gather up my wayward peaches, hoping that they haven't gone and bruised themselves to death. After all, this IS the second crate of peaches I've bought for my mom, having to give the fist one away!

This is the part where being blonde - kinda, sorta, a wee bit comes in handy. *grins*

I'm not paying attention to the oncoming car, I'm mentally WILLING it to stop and not run over my peaches in flight, scattered all over that yucky black pavement. I'm busily gathering up the high speed rollers (a slight slope to the pavement - naturally - lol - just what I needed.) carefully placing them back into the wooden crate, moving as quickly and efficiently as one can with a bouncing, tugging, tail wagging 55 lb puppy who thinks we have a new game, will allow.

The approaching car stops right before it makes one of my precious peaches a victim of its front wheels, it's headlights lighting up the pavement and surrounding me in a spotlight against the black pavement and darkness of night. The drivers door opens and a, just past middle aged man gets out of the car. (wait ... I'M just past middle aged! *laughs at self* - I sooo keep forgetting!!)

"You look like you could use some help, little lady," the nice man says, as he reaches down and plucks up a peach or two to put back in my peach crate. There truly wasn't much for him to help with as I'd almost gotten everything picked up, but it was so nice of him to help. Only one peach permanently got away, so it wasn't too bad. (the next day when leaving, I saw the poor smashed peach. It had become a roadside victim, smashed by someone's tire)

After the crate is full and placed back on top of my pull-along ice chest, the man smiles, tells me to be safe and have a good evening, then returns to his Cadillac and parks it.

I've hauled the ice chest and crate of peaches up to the room and need to make one more trip back down to the SUV to haul out Galen's crate. Last run for the night, then I can hit the showers. I'm soooo looking forward to that.

As I approach my SUV I hear a woman's angry voice chewing someone out. She's ranting and raving. SOB this and SOB that... damn! She's MAD! A madhatter's type of mad. In another second I might label her PSYCHO.

And then... I see the nice man that had helped me.

Damn is his wife mad that he did.


Mapquest Road Trip Route.... or close enough..

Mapquest says this route takes 21 hours 21 minutes.

I think they forgot to allow for potty breaks, a puppy (albeit a BIG puppy), a dog and a cat, construction and wild west weather elements.

Several years ago I drove straight through with my brother, Bob, (who has since passed away from heart failure at the early age of 50 - it was crazy because he was in such great shape!).

Back then, we made the trip in 24 hours. We drove like hell, too. He barely let me stop to peeeeeeee.

I had driven up to visit my family during the early days and onset of being seriously ill (1992-93 - somewhere in that time frame) and I ended up being too weak to get myself back to California, so my big brother helped drive me home and flew back to Montana.

Everything but the kitchen sink...

I'm pretty sure I packed everything but the kitchen sink. And a lot of things I never used, looked at or even thought of wearing since the *hot* weather I was told that held Montana hostage was no where to be found during my entire trip. I could have frozen my little butt off if I hadn't been a smart little *former* Montana girl and packed a few warm things. I experienced high winds, heavy rain, and the first snow of the season. There was No warm weather any where in sight. lol

Molly and Kitty are seasoned travelers and took the trip with ease, just glad to be where ever I was. Galen, on the other hand, had a mind of his own. This was his first road trip, and although he kenneled and overall traveled very well, he had a bit of A.D.D. when it came time to do the roadside potty and pee business. OMG could that dog get distracted and forget what he needed to do! I'd load him back up in his kennel (which he out grew on our trip - afterall he is my little weed), and about 30 minutes later he'd be whining in his true, baritone disgruntled male puppy voice that he Wanted Out - NOW! He Needed Out - NOW!

He was a challenge, but I'm going to keep him. *sighs* Posted by Picasa

Montana Road Trip - The Beginning...

I found the missing photo card. Yay!!

It was right where I thought it would be, but where it shouldn't have been... Under the drivers seat!

So, this is the famous Reindeer and Sleigh that my girly-girl SUV carried to Montana. I'd bought the Reindeer and Sleigh last fall for my Mom at an Estate Sale. Although at one point in time they were quite expensive - and I so love a bargain - I still have to strip off the old lights, repaint them, and weave new lights through the structure of their frame work. They're sturdy enough to stand up to the Montana winter and winds, so I thought my Mom should have them.

And of course, we're NOT going to mention the price of gas and how the extra air drag while hauling them to Montana possibly added to the gas mileage and expense during my road trip.

*quiet blonde look*

All in all, as you can imagine, it might have been less expensive to ship the critters to Montana rather than haul them up myself.

It's hard work, sometimes, doing those
*Good Daughter Deeds*.

Espeically if the daughter is having a blonde moment.

Really, I imagine I split about even if I would have shipped them rather than hauled them up to MT on my road trip. I haven't added up my gas bill for the way up yet.

I'm afraid to.



The looks on truck drivers and other motorists faces when I was passing them.... well, that was rather ... priceless.
I had to have looked like something out of the Beverly Hillbillys. The only thing missing were Ellie Mae's short shorts. lol (it was too cold!)


As I mentioned in my earlier blog, Terry, my favorite Grizzly Adams looking friend (only a bit shorter), stopped by that morning to pick up Tuna as he was the designated Tuna Sitter. (Tuna is Kitty's TV - a beautiful blue and purple Betta Fish.)

Thank goodness Terry stopped by, because doing a reality check, I really don't know how I would have gotten the Reindeer and Sleigh tied as securely to the roof rack as Terry did. Not to mention that they're both heavy. They're not made of flimsy wire that twists and bends, but of a good solid grade metal that will hold up to the winter elements.

I was at least prepared with a good supply of bungee cords, rope, and I'd gone to Salvation Army and bought blankets to cover them so that I wouldn't risk either Reindeer or Sleigh scratching the roof of my girly-girl SUV.

Terry had started to wrap the first blanket around the Reindeer and tie it up with the cord rope that I'd bought, but it didn't take much of a glance to figure out that that wasn't the best plan.

Terry looked at me with that Universal Male look and said, "You have any duct tape?"

Not missing a beat I ran into the house and came back seconds later, proud grin on my face, producing the needed duct tape to secure the blankets firmly around the Reindeer and Sleigh.

Now, I will add, Terry's not nearly as good as taping as I am.

*grins and laughs*

He gave up too soon! lol

The sections of blanketed deer and sleigh HE taped started to come undone half way through the Nevada desert. Around Battle Mountain, Nevada I had to pull over and run into a parts store that was just off the main street (there's not much to Battle Mountain), bought a roll of duct tape with men in dirty John Deere hats staring at me inquisitively, (I didn't think to pack the tape I'd used at home) and I proceeded to tape up and secure the blanket around the legs of the Reindeer even tighter.

Yeppers, there I was, long, blonde braided hair, held down from the windy weather by a pristine white baseball cap, balancing on the foot boards of the girly-girl SUV, reaching, tugging and some serious taping the blankets to sleigh runners and feet of the reindeer with MORE duct tape. After all, one can NOT have their blankets flapping in the wind, you know? I mean, how cheesy would THAT look?


The sight brought a gawk and gander ... or two.

So... I momentarily had a bondage moment. You going to make something of that?


I barely know what that means!


But, I regress... While Terry was tying down down my Estate Sale bargain, doing everything he could to make it all secure and safe so it wouldn't take off in midflight while I was traveling down the road, Terry pulls out his pocket knife and cuts a hole into one of the blankets so he can reach the metal of the Sleigh and attach a bungee cord to it.

That's all well and fine, except for one little problem.

I hadn't gotten enough blankets at Salvation Army and the blanket he cut a hole in was one of MY blankets!

So, like, I tell him, "Hey! That's not a Salvation Army blanket!"

Terry looks at me out of the corner of his tired eyes, that have just worked a swing shift and want to go home and find his bed, and says, "Well, it should be!"

*laughs at Terry*

Well, on my behalf, I will say... are all of YOUR blankets perfect???


And if they are, please keep in mind
(although many of you don't know this), that when a girl is having to start life over, you just can't replace or get everything you need all at once! (I spent 10 years house bound, about 5 years bed ridden - and no, I wasn't haven't some wild sexual experience. lol
I was very, very ill. This is the come back story of my life... )

(on a side note...when I told my 3rd oldest sister, who had come to see me while I was in Montana and who is just now becoming aware of the hardships I went through, what Terry said about my now damaged blanket, she immediately wanted to go blanket shopping. lol I suspect I'll be getting a blanket for Christmas from her.)
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