My life is like a tilt-a-whirl...
Things have been so crazzzzyyy busy for the past couple of months, with the past couple of weeks being no exception. It's like I'm spending my entire time between doctor appointments and putting out fires. (ie: dealing with issues as they crop up)
Just in the past couple of weeks I've had to deal with major issues not of my own making with Comcast, Verizon, AT&T, the new bank, and more saga with the Toyota dealership I bought the Rav from (can they EVER do the job right the FIRST time?? *exasperated sighs*).
Then there were all the hassles and trips back and forth to DMV while selling the Celica (a whole OTHER saga), the issue with the boarding kennel that forgot to inform me they ONLY accept dogs who have been given their vaccinations by Vets!
I give my dogs and cat all their shots, except for, of course, the ones I can't purchase and give myself - like the rabies vaccine. Granted, my Vet will vouch for me (and even say he gave them their shots).
I boarded the pup with my vet instead of the Pet Hotel I'd intended to use when I went to Mexico. I would have preferred to have left Galen with the Pet Hotel since it was roomier and had Play Time with other puppies, but I knew they would take good care of him at his Vet's office. (it just worried me that the vets kennel space is so much smaller - not fun for a now 55 lb 5 month old boy that needs play space.)
It would have just been nice to not have had the extra hassle with bording Galen to deal with at 7 a.m. on my way out of town a couple of weeks ago. It delayed my Mexico trip and I missed my first doctor appointment because of it. (yes, I see a doctor in Mexico. He's been a Godsend.)
Oh!.. in the tilt-a-whirl of the last couple of weeks I also booked flights for New York and Florida. I'm hoping I miss out on the hurricanes while in Florida. My timing on that was ... not so swift... but I have a work agenda that really needs attention. (unless of course a big fat wind is blowing my house down.)
I'm still frantically trying to play catch up and get ... well, caught up before I leave town again.
Finally, there's been much progress made and I'm actually starting to find the home I used to live in before it got caught up in the Katrina-like whirl wind that flew through my life and left my home looking like a mad hatters array of clutter and massive disorganization. My energy level was just spread way too thin between maintaining and building a thriving business, doctor appointments, medical tests, and then adding physical therapy once again to loop.
That's all I've got to say about that.
I'm relieved and feeling much more human now that I'm seeing the beginnings of organization taking place once more in my home.... and my life. Granted, I'm not done, but progress is such a sweeeeet thing! It's also a sweet thing to finally be inching past some of the medical issues I've had to fight this past couple of years. (yay!)
So, inbetween making progress, keeping up with work and struggling to keep up with physical therapy and my gym workouts, I'm also trying to prepare for my road trip to Montana.
It's not so easy to just up and leave when I have to prepare and pack for myself, (which requires everything but the kitchen sink), two dogs and a dat (half dog, half cat), as well as line up care of plants and Tuna while I'm gone.
*sighs and laughs at self*
I'm not sure I've mentioned Tuna before. He's a beautiful purple and blue betta fish. He's also known as Kitty TV around here. Monster Kitty will sit mesmorized and watch Tuna for HOURS. lol
And yes, I keep Tuna in a safe place so Kitty can't have sushi for dinner.
All the Toyota hassles have totally not helped and actually delayed both my trip to Mexico week before last, as well as my road trip to MT. I truly don't get WHY that dealership has such a difficult time doing the job right the first time.It's baffling. Obviously I don't work there! *laughs*
Every job they've had to do on the Rav they've had to TWICE. With a 2 1/2 hour drive each way to the dealership, I tell you, that stuff gets OLD!
So, I'm in the midst packing, preparing for a road trip, lining up a plant sitter, finding a place for Tuna to stay aka a Tuna sitter. *grins*
Tomorrow I've got leashes and a new harness to buy, pick up a new travel crate for Kitty, buy suggested cds, last minute travel shopping, oh yeah... and work... and workout and then packing .. and, and, and... yada, yada, yada...
Did I mention I'm tired? *smiles*
For tonight, I need a vacation from my life.
Btw... did I mention I'm taking you to Montana with me? I'm going to try and post pictures and blog entries along the way. Not sure how exciting that'll be ... but hey, ya never know.
Life is never very dull in blondeville. I've never known a day of ennui in my life. *grins n winks*
Girl, I'm just tired reading your post...Oh my gosh - you are one busy person.
The babies will love all the traveling! BTW, I can't wait to see what you post from Montana...that will be cool. Never been there...
By Sara, at 6:59 AM
Thanks, Sara. This will be the pup's first major road trip, so I'm hoping he'll handle it all well... without driving me nuts! lol
How's life been going for you? I've been so busy.. I need to get over to your blog!
By Sprite, at 1:20 AM
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