Be careful what you ask for...
Sometimes God does for us what we can't do for ourselves.
With all the driven push in my life to *get caught up*, traveling, and keeping my head clear and level for work, I've needed a break.
A rest.
To get swallowed up in some heavy duty serenity.
Just yesterday, amidst a deliberate, focused, deep cleansing breath session after a particularity tough client, I'd said, "I need a flower day soon." (blonde translation: "I need a day tinkering in my potted garden.")
Well, God must have heard me. lol
Last night my hotwater heater went out. I ended my tilt-a-whirl day with a shower that was so tepidly warm it had a chill to it. *sighs*
Granted, I wanted a flower day, but truly... not this way. Not when I'm so busy and trying SO hard to get everything done.
What does a hotwater heater going out have to do with a flower day, you might ask?
The hotwater heater is enclosed in a closet on my back patio. Did I mention my back patio is FULL of potted plants? I will have to do some MAJOR moving things around in order for the maintemance man to be able to work on the hotwater heater.
*laughs at the irony of it all*
Oh well... when life deals you lemons ... make lemonade.
It'll be good for me to catch up on my gardening as well.
I love getting lost in my flowers and plants.
It fills my soul with a deep gratitude for life ... it swallows me up with serenity.
I call those mental health days...time away from it all to do what I want to do..I think I am long overdue for one of those...
By Ann, at 6:55 PM
By the looks of my garden, Ann, I am longgggg overdue, to. Maybe we should hook up with Susan and go see those Clydesdales! lol
By Sprite, at 10:25 PM
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