Blonde By Design

Thursday, September 21, 2006

A long quick trip.. home at last..

I'm sooo not in a hurry to get out of this tub.

I drove for 12 hours straight yesterday and arrived back home around 1:30 a.m. It's a 24 hr. drive total from Home on the Range, Montana to the Valley of Cali *if* you drive like me ...
or someone I'm related to.


Really, I didn't want to drag the Ark Family, luggage and myself in and out of one more hotel/motel for one more night. I was ready to be home.

Since there wasn't the time nor internet connection to take you with me on my road trip, I've decided I'd do a reenactment and post pictures this week. lol

I'm momentarily a little miffed at myself ... the first set of pictures are missing and I can't imagine how that happened. I changed the photo cards on the road about two hours from home and I know I had them. The missing photo card has the pictures of the reindeer and sleigh on the roof rack of my girly-girl SUV.

Maybe after I get some rest the missing photo card will appear. The photo case is empty, though. That's not a good sign.

(btw... the girly-girl SUV holds 90 mph very well with crosswinds in the Nevada desert while carrying a reindeer and sleigh on her back. *innocent blonde look*)

The other *so unlike me* thing that's missing is my cell phone charger.

*shakes head at self*

I can't believe I left it at the last hotel I stayed in. *sighs and kicks self in butt*
It cost $29 to replace it!

I spent today catching up on work stuff and dealing with my Mitsubishi, who's battery decided to die while I was gone. Not only did I have to replace the battery, I had to run in to the dealers so they could put in the manufacture code to make the radio/cd player work again.

Good lord.

That didn't exactly make me want to sing happy tunes! Bad enough I have to replace the battery, but understandable ... it was time. Having to deal with codes to revive dead radios? *rolls eyes*

True to his word, Adam, the cute service rep. promised me recoding the radio would be painless and it was. I would have just been happier to have not had to deal with it at all.

Since I'm selling the Mitsubishi I kinda, sorta thought that having it start (thus the new battery) and having the radio work might be, I don't know... like, a good idea. *grins* But... It's not like I had a shortage of things to do. *smiles*
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  • Hey Hon!

    Glad you're home and relaxing a little bit.

    And of course you may wear the mittens when you come to visit.....


    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 5:35 AM  

  • Glad you made the trip home safely...Ark Family and all...sorry you lost the phone charger...hopefully, it and the card for the camera will show up when you clean out the car...

    By Blogger Sara, at 2:10 PM  

  • Thanks Sara and Paul! It's good to be home... I only regret that I got out of the tub too soon. *laughs* I should have waited until I was more prune like.

    Sara... I'm hoping that photo card and charger shows up... I could swear I packed the charger and the photo card has to be in the SUV some where, unless I spaced out, left it on my lap and it fell out... the girly-girl isn't dirty or messy inside, so there's nothing to clean out. *sighs*

    Paul...if we get any unexpected weather, I will definitely want to wear your mittens. *grins*

    By Blogger Sprite, at 12:46 AM  

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