Soccer Ain't for Sissy's...
Yesterday, while working out at the gym, the TV was set to the World's Cup Soccer match (or something close to that).
U.S.A. vrs. Italy.
What a great game! I'm still feeling a little (lot) of empathy for the poor guy that got kicked so close to his unmentionables that I almost called to volunteer to hold his ice pack. *blink, blink, blonde look*
I've not watched much soccer before, although I did catch the women's games during the Olympics years ago. Great team. I've never been a big tv sports fan. I like to see the game live, in action... in my face. Once in a while, though, a game will catch my eye. Now, I know this may seem boring to you, but I don't really care who wins or loses. (although I do plan on picking teams to follow on a regular basis... some time in the... whenever I do time. *grins*)
I'm totally in to all the great moves, passes, plays, offense and totally, especially defense. I LOVE the mechanics of the game, regardless of what sport it is. LalalaLoveeeee it.
Who knew the U.S.A. men's soccer team was full of so many hotties??? Tall, dark and handsome, just the way I like 'em. No shoulder pads, or any other pad/pads to block the view. O-M-G! I so *did* appreciate the view, I did an extra 10 minutes on the bike just so I could watch more of the game.
*laughs at self*
So out of character for my blonde self.
So, like, for a whole 20 minutes I was a female chauvinist oinker! And please don't ask me who won the game.
I haven't a clue....
Yesterday, while working out at the gym, the TV was set to the World's Cup Soccer match (or something close to that).
U.S.A. vrs. Italy.
What a great game! I'm still feeling a little (lot) of empathy for the poor guy that got kicked so close to his unmentionables that I almost called to volunteer to hold his ice pack. *blink, blink, blonde look*
I've not watched much soccer before, although I did catch the women's games during the Olympics years ago. Great team. I've never been a big tv sports fan. I like to see the game live, in action... in my face. Once in a while, though, a game will catch my eye. Now, I know this may seem boring to you, but I don't really care who wins or loses. (although I do plan on picking teams to follow on a regular basis... some time in the... whenever I do time. *grins*)
I'm totally in to all the great moves, passes, plays, offense and totally, especially defense. I LOVE the mechanics of the game, regardless of what sport it is. LalalaLoveeeee it.
Who knew the U.S.A. men's soccer team was full of so many hotties??? Tall, dark and handsome, just the way I like 'em. No shoulder pads, or any other pad/pads to block the view. O-M-G! I so *did* appreciate the view, I did an extra 10 minutes on the bike just so I could watch more of the game.
*laughs at self*
So out of character for my blonde self.
So, like, for a whole 20 minutes I was a female chauvinist oinker! And please don't ask me who won the game.
I haven't a clue....
Oh, Honey! You crack me up! hehehe...
Paul, at 3:40 PM
Paul sent me.
kitkatknit, at 4:14 PM
Welcome to the neighborhood...Paul sent me, and said I should stop by with a plate full of cookies.
Feel yourself duly plated...
Ann, at 7:38 PM
OH Yay!! Cookies!! Of course they're not on my diet, but... who cares??? Thank You, Thank You, Thank You!
*hugs Paul for being friends with cookie bearing bloggers*
Sprite, at 10:39 PM
Absolutely welcome to the neighborhood! Think it will be fun reading your blog! I already like your sense of humor!
BTW, Paul sent me...isn't he a dear?
Sara, at 6:52 AM
It did not take you long to become famous. lol
Anonymous, at 10:01 PM
Duane... you're silly! I so am *not*!!
Sprite, at 11:08 PM
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