Condom Eating Puppies
My morning walk with, Molly, The Wonder Dog, and, Cajun, The future Man-Eating Super Puppy, began in it's normal calm way, maneuvering Cajun, The Super Puppy, out of Molly's path so she wouldn't threaten to eat him before they'd finished their walk and had breakfast.
Puppies, much like children can get into the least expected things within a blink of an eye. I'd only turned for a second to remind Molly, who can be trusted to walk without the lead of a leash, that, "No she could Not cross the street." When I turned back to see what the Super Puppy had gotten in to, I gawked and stood motionless... speechless, my stomach knotted up, looking for my inner calm, fighting the EEEEKKKKK reaction sitting in my throat.
There Cajun was, wiggling and playing, tugging at the end of his leash with a bright green condom casually hanging out of his mouth, looking at me with that cute, lop-sided, "See what I've got," grin of his.
Four Our Fathers and three Hail Mary's later, *Thank God*, Cajun dropped the condom when asked to let it go so I didn't have to touch the thing.
Ewwwwww. Now what do I do? Take him home and swab his little mouth out with alcohol? Ack. Ickyyy poooo. I am Sooooo grossed out!
And, worse, I live in a nice area. Or atleast I thought it was a nice area! (apparently someone's teenage daughter may be safe from an early pregnancy)
That puppy is as cute as can be.
Anonymous, at 9:31 PM
OMG! Bright green!!???!! What were they thinking! Like anyone wants a bright green penis flailing about at them....
Paul, at 5:39 AM
Paul - Maybe they were color blind? Or it was really, realy dark and the condoms were on special?
and - Thanks, Duane, he is a cutie.
Sprite, at 7:33 PM
I think you are a smart , cute and witty, humorous and sexy blonde
Anonymous, at 5:01 PM
Wow.. all that? *winks n grins* Thanks, Brian!
Sprite, at 8:25 PM
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